CDID Divisions
"Capabilities Development and Integration Directorate"

Provide internal controls, administration support, budget management, supply and logistics, information technology management and facilities management functions.
Ensure interoperability and commonality of related systems or functional capabilities for which the Directorate uses to conduct core mission set.
Establish Directorate policy and procedures in support of Directorate mission set, including management and distribution of resources and other activities supporting daily op-tempo.
Develop CDID business practices, procedures, and strategic plans.
Conduct all security functions for CDID.
Develop the CDID fiscal and personnel resource plans.
Supervise receipt, analysis, status, and disposition of incoming actions, programs, taskings and visitor requirements.
Provide admin/logistics assistance to directors and staffs to assist in fulfilling mission requirements.
Provide information technology support to all sections with the CDID.
Maintains all property books for CDID.
Prepares CDID budget.
Force Development (FD) - Determines how units are organized to accomplish required capabilities. Produces Force Design Updates (FDUs) to compete in the Total Army Analysis (TAA) process.
Fires Concepts (ADA & FA) - Develops concepts to inform Future Capabilities and Organizations. Develops Army Concept for Fires (AC-F), Concept of Operations (CONOPS) documents, and participates in the Army Campaign of Learning (CoL).
Operational Environment (OE) – Provides intelligence and security support to Fires CDID and FCoE. Develops Validated On-Line Threat (VOLT) documents, provides input to Threat Test Support Packages (TTSPs), and educates the capability development enterprise on the future Fires OE. Supports the FCoE training mission with threat briefings and products.
Security: Serves as the Fires CDID Security Manager. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Management oversight for FCoE SCIFs, Special Technical Operations (STO) facilities, and Special Access Program (SAP) facilities.
Requirements Determination Division (RDD), Fires CDID is responsible for developing requirements to support Army Air and Missile Defense and Field Artillery defense acquisition programs. This includes munitions, support equipment, and weapons platforms. RDD supports Army Capability Managers (ACMs), Concepts Development Division, and our Battle Lab within Fires CDID and supports the Air and Missile Defense and Long Range Precision Fires Cross Functional Teams. RDD is subordinate to Fires CDID, Future Concepts Center (FCC), and Army futures command (AFC). RDD is comprised of four subordinate branches including Requirements Branch, Analysis Branch, Operational Architecture, and Science and Technology.
Requirements Branch has the primary responsibility to create requirements documents using the Joint Capabilities Integrations and Development System (JCIDS) is the governing process for defense acquisition IAW DoDI 5000.02. Requirements Documents include Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) (Milestone A) to support Materiel Development Decisions (MDD) for materiel approaches, Abbreviated Capabilities Development Document (A-CDD) to support Prototype Development and limited fielding of prototypes, and the Capability Development Document (CDD) (Milestone B/C) that defines performance requirements to achieve the capability.
Analysis Branch analytically underpins all Fires acquisition programs and Force Design Updates (FDUs). Branch supports DOTmPLF and concepts development. Key capabilities and missions include Scenario Development for modeling and simulations, Force on Force Modeling, Studies and Analysis, Cost - Benefit Analysis (C-BA), Operational Mode Summary / Mission Profile (OMS/MP), Capability Needs Analysis (CNA) Support, Combat Load Development, experiment support, and weaponeering. Analysis Branch allows senior decision makers to make analytically informed decisions.
Operational Architecture Branch develops Architectures for all JCIDS and CFT programs and is required for defense acquisition programs including ICD, A-CDD, and CDD. Example products include the Operational View (OV) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, 5b, 6c, AV-2, DIV-2) products. DOD Architecture (operational and system) is the blueprint for capturing concepts, required capabilities, DOTMLPF solutions, and technical standards used to explain and guide how an organization's systems and information management elements work together to efficiently accomplish the mission. Architecture allows analysis of opportunities, risks, dependencies, and relationships of people, operations, strategies, and technologies of an organization.
Science and Technology Branch has the mission to identify, assess, and recommend evolutionary and revolutionary technologies for integration into current and future force concepts, and modeling and simulation, that inform and enable effective and affordable capabilities for Fires. This inform Fires stakeholders regarding balancing investments in innovative, game-changing, “revolutionary” research with other investments in more “evolutionary” research, to improve performance of existing and future warfighting systems
Execute current and future force experiments and demonstrations using live, virtual, constructive and gaming simulation environments to gain insights and assess impacts of current, emerging and evolving concepts, technology and materiel initiatives to inform Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Material, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Facilities and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) for senior leader decisions.
Coming Soon
Synchronize the DOTMLPF process within the FCoE CDID ensuring the integration of all requirement and concept development, experimentation, and system fielding. Responsible for tracking and development of action plans to mitigate priority risks/gaps in order to achieve FCoE’s vision and priority.
Develop, coordinate, plan and execute doctrine and tactics training strategies for all new and displaced Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery lethal and non-lethal systems. Provide support and USAFCoE oversight for New Equipment Training (NET) and Displaced Equipment Training (DET). Provide SME’s to support ACMs and DOTD for FA and ADA combat system development, testing and fielding.
System Development
Attend Initial Users Tests (IUT), Limited Users Tests (LUT), -10 Write/Reviews and other developmental stage support in order to gain subject matter expert (SME) knowledge
Instruct “player” personnel for Instructor and key personnel training – I&KP
Review/Provide input to the Training Support Package (TSP’s to include POI’s, Lesson Plans, Instructor/Student Guide and instructor slides for DTT & NET)
New Material In-Brief (NMIB ) (attend as required)
IPR- Initial Planning Reviews
During NET
DTT/TTPs – Leaders Training
Serve as New Equipment Trainers
ICW TCMs provide oversight/ liaison to civilian instruction
Validate the Training Support Package
SMEs for units in the field
Support Testing of New Materials/System Upgrades with SMEs
Support RESET/MTT/CTET if required
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Army Capabilities Manager Fires Cells-Targeting
ACM Fires Cells-Targeting, representing the Commanding General (CG), TRADOC acts as TRADOC’s centralized manager for all user activities associated with Fire Support; is responsible for using the integrating framework of the Army warfighting challenges to integrate, synchronize, and coordinate efforts across doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy (DOTMLPF-P); coordinates with Army, joint, and international partners and/or agencies to ensure key areas remain integrated and support operational requirements; is the user advocate for Fire Support Command, Control and Communications system software applications, software applications in support of targeting, and Fire Support Sensor Systems, both mounted and dismounted.
1. Fire Support Branch: Responsible for Fire Support Targeting Sensors, Fire Support Software, and Fire Support Vehicles at Company/Troop and below. Within our portfolio is dismounted Sensors (Joint Effects Targeting System (JETS)/Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder (LLDR)), Mounted Sensors (Fire Support Sensor System (FS3)) and Vehicles (M1200/Stryker FSV/BFIST) and Fire Support Software (Pocket Size Forward Entry Device (PFED)/Precision Fires-Dismounted (PF-D)/ Precision Fires-Mounted (PF-M)/Forward Observer Software (FOS)) Also, provides assistance for Fire Support Element at Battalion and higher.
2. Interoperability Branch: Responsible for providing a broad spectrum of network services for multiple commodity areas including communications and electronic equipment, automated information systems, computer systems, tactical network operations systems and vehicular systems. Represents, manages and coordinates total ACM user requirements and overall planning, coordinating, and managing the Network and net-centric equipment/systems and interoperability requirements. Represents the USA in Multi-national interoperability programs including Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities (ASCA) and America, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (ABCANZ).
3. Fires C2 Integration Branch: Responsible for Command and Control (C2) systems from Platoon to Echelons above Brigade (EAB). Programs within the C2 branch include the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical data System (AFATDS), Joint Automated Deep operations Coordination System (JADOCS), Centaur and the Meteorological system Profiler Virtual Modeler (PVM). Responsible for managing ACM requirements, publishing, and posting the current Joint Master Unit List (JMUL). Work being done in the branch: Developing a requirements document for a joint targeting C2 replacement software capability for currently fielded JADOCS. The Joint Targeting Command and Control System (JTC2S) has already garnered the attention of LRPF CFT and Army Futures Command leadership. AFATDS 7.0 development will be the next version of Fires C2 software. The version is in development with the vendor and will allow for more streamlined user interface, enhanced training capabilities and encompass LRPF platform/munition capabilities for the near future.
ACM BCT Fires, as the Army’s system integrator and lifecycle manager for the Field Artillery Cannon Battalions in the Armor, Infantry and Stryker Brigade Combat Teams and DIVARTY/Field Artillery Brigades, represents the Operational and Institutional Force in Organization and Materiel development.
ACM BCT Fires interfaces directly with Project, Program, and Product Managers that develop cannon platforms, munitions, fuzes, propellants, and survey systems to ensure user equities are accurately represented. ACM BCT Fires liaises with the LRPF CFT to synchronize developmental cannon systems and munitions into the fielded force.
ACM FAB-D (Army Capability Manager Field Artillery Brigade - DIVARTY), representing the Commanding General (CG), TRADOC and reporting to the Director, Capabilities Development and Integration Directorate, Fires Center of Excellence, is TRADOCs centralized manager for all user activities associated with FAB-D. ACM FAB-D serves as the primary stakeholder and user representative for the following fielded and developmental acquisition programs:
M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)
M270 and M270A1 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)
MLRS Rockets and Missiles (free-flight, guided, and Army Tactical Missile System variants)
Field Artillery Weapon Locating Radars (WLR) AN/TPQ-53, AN/TPQ-50 and Legacy Firefinder Radars AN/TPQ-36 and AN/TPQ-37
Future rocket, missile, radars, sensor systems and communication/software development to include firing, resupply, and sensor platforms.
Click below to access ACM FAB-D POC information on FKN