ADACCC Air Defense Artillery Captains Career Course
"30th Air Defense Artillery"

On behalf of the Air Defense Commandant, we would like to formally welcome you to the Air Defense Captain’s Career Course (ADCCC)! Please read our vision, learning priorities, and initial in-processing instructions found on this site. This will facilitate your professional development & growth while attending ADCCC.
ADCCC will graduate technically & tactically proficient Leaders across a broad range of Air Defense weapon systems capable of employing critical & creative thinking in conjunction with doctrinal foundations, throughout the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP). The intent is to produce synchronized orders that enable Commanders at all levels to effectively exercise mission command in a complex & dynamic operational environment. Students are actively encouraged to seek out all learning opportunities leveraging individual and class experiences collectively to grow and evolve throughout the course.
Learning Environment.
Everybody learns differently; both small and large group learning are to be conducted in a respectful and courteous manner and in a collaborative environment. As Leaders, students are expected to set the example for those around them and this starts with participation. This is a discussion-based course.
Physical Excellence.
All academic awards are linked to physical fitness and military bearing. Awards are conditional and will only be issued to those who demonstrate holistic excellence. You will take two record ACFTs while attending ADCCC and must pass height weight standards IAW AR 600-9.
Integrity and loyalty are key attributes that both cadre and the chain of command look for in students. All cadre exist to guide students through personal & professional issues to ensure the maintenance of a positive environment which fosters growth. Unprofessionalism will not be tolerated and may result in a negative course evaluation and, or removal from the course.
Team Work.
ADCCC is a stressful and demanding course. It is encouraged for all students to work together to ensure no one is left behind. Student working groups and study groups are encouraged within the bounds of the academic guidelines established in the ISAP.
Although students will be subject to the unit and course mentorship programs, it is an individual responsibility to participate in these events. Unwillingness to participate will negatively affect junior officers and inhibits the ability to learn.
All ADCCC instruction and content is based around doctrinal foundations. Individual experiences are invaluable and a key element of the classroom environment. However, all MDMP and tactical training will be grounded in doctrine.
Lastly, ADCCC Students are the custodians of the Profession of Arms; they are the future Leader of the US Army and are expected to conduct themselves accordingly. Like all training, cadre aim to prepare students to become agile and adaptive Leaders, capable of operating in complex environments as part of the staff or command team.
Once you have orders to attend ADCCC, do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. You can expect to receive a course Welcome Letter approximately 60 days before your class start date.
While you're here, please take a moment to review the “In-Processing Instructions” tab!
Feel free to “Like” us on Facebook at Shoot us a message if you encounter any issues while on leave!
Kolton C. Smith
ADCCC Manager
Although this move is a PCS, you will be in student status while here at Fort Sill. There are no formal post in-processing requirements. Do not report to Building 4700, the Welcome Center; housing stamps are no longer required for Permissive TDY/house hunting.
Report to the 30th ADA Brigade Headquarters (Building 1611, Randolph Road) and have Staff Duty sign you in. After that, report to the HQ/A Battery Training Room on the 2nd floor of Building 1614 if during duty hours, or at 0900 the following day. Ensure you are in the duty uniform when you report to Building 1614. Instructions for the first day of class will be included in your Welcome Letter. You must bring one (1) copy of your orders and a copy of your completed DA31/IPPS-A approved Absence to the first day of class.
Please ensure you contact the TRICARE service center and verify you are enrolled in the correct region. Fort Sill falls under TRICARE East.
You will conduct in-processing during the first week of the course. The only requirements you will need to take care of on your own is the scheduling of your household goods. Please try to have them delivered prior to the start of the course—work specific situations through your Small Group Instructor.
You will be administered a height and weight screening during the second week of the course. Per AR 350-6, you must pass height and weight to remain in the course. Failure to do so may result in a referred DA1059 and a mandatory 180 day waiting period before re-enrollment. You will take two record ACFTs during the course, the first being on week one.
There are a few things we need from you as soon as possible:
- First, log-in to Blackboard at
- You will not have any access to courses in the system, however the initial log in will get your account added so that we may assign you to a course
- Please send your blackboard user name and a copy of your SRB/STP to our team
- You will go TDY for the Battle of Westport Staff Ride during the first half of the course. Please ensure that you have a government travel card, that it will not expire during the course, and that you are released from your previous unit's DTS hierarchy. Taking care of these issues now will save you trouble later.
Travel safe, and we look forward to your attendance in the course.
Kolton C. Smith
ADCCC Manager