ADA WOBC Air Defense Artillery Warrant Officer Basic Course
"30th Air Defense Artillery"

Welcome WOBC Students
I would like to congratulate you on your selection to serve our nation as an Air Defense Artillery Warrant Officer. The training you will complete over the next few Weeks will be both mentally challenging and physically demanding. Upon completion you will have been transformed into a technically and tactically competent Warrant Officer, imbued with the Warrior Ethos, and prepared to lead Soldiers in your charge through inspired leadership and subject matter expertise grounded in the Army's Values. You are about to embark on an exciting time in your career as an Air Defense Artillery Warrant Officer.
All students must read and are expected to be familiar with the Student Evaluation Plan (SEP), and all course, Fort Sill and 30th BDE policy letters and memos. As a WOBC student, you are the most important part of the Course. You must come prepared for class daily. You are expected to conduct yourself as a professional Soldier and Leader, complete all reading assignments, come to class on time, in the right uniform, and ready to participate. Homework will be completed and turned into the Senior Warrant PRIOR to the start of each class. Your instructors and peers expect you to exhibit the mental and physical toughness required of an Army Leader as well as the professionalism to follow and respect your peers.
William M. Parker
Brigade Commander
Welcome Letters:
140K Students
140L Students
140A Students