PCC Pre-Command Course
"428th Field Artillery Brigade"

Mission Statement
Our mission is to prepare, educate and train active and reserve component Army and Marine Corps colonels, lieutenant colonels, promotable majors and command sergeants major who are either in command or have been designated for command at battalion or higher level
Future commanders and command sergeants major have received the appropriate level of instruction in ADA and FA tactics, weapons and systems, leadership, training management, maintenance and supply management, threat, and personnel issues.
1. Billeting:
During your stay at Ft Sill, you will be billeted in a Pre-designated BOQ. Room reservations will be made for you by the Pre-Command Course Manager. Fort Sill falls under the MTSS order; so ensure your orders reflect the "Lodging and Meals will be paid by MTSS"
2. Transportation:
From the Lawton Municipal Airport:
- BOQ Shuttle Bus: This free service is available 24 hours a day. Just pick up the courtesy phone located in the south end of the terminal.
- Taxi: Many to choose from, cost is approx. $6.00.
- Rental Car: To the BOQ (bldg 5676), when exiting the airport turn Left on to 11th Street, right on Sheridan Road, right on Geronimo Road, then right on Fergusson Road.
From outside the Lawton, Ft Sill area:
- From Oklahoma City: Travel west on I-44 towards Lawton, exit at Key Gate. To the BOQ (bldg 5676), turn right onto Sheridan Road, left at the first traffic light, then right on Fergusson Road.
- From Wichita Falls: Travel east on I-44 towards Lawton, exit Key Gate. To the BOQ (bldg 5676), turn left onto Sheridan Road, turn left at the first traffic light, then right on Fergusson Road. To the Comanche House (bldg 460) turn left onto Sheridan Road, then turn right at the first traffic light.
3. Security Clearance Requirements:
A secret clearance is required for this course. Have your security manager ensure your signed Non Discloser Agreement is in JPAS
4. Uniforms:
The uniform for the Field Artillery Pre-Command Course is ACU's. If you are promotable, bring your next higher rank insignia for your command photograph. If you choose to do PT; please bring your PT Belt; as this is required when running on Fort Sill. Casual (open collar) civilian attire will be required to attend the social.
5. Medical:
Sick call is provided at Reynolds Army Community Hospital Emergency Room.
6. Meals:
GOVERNMENT RATIONS ARE AVAILABLE and FUNDED UNDER MTSS (If desired, students will be supplied with a meal card)
MTSS Orders: Utilization of dining facility is required
Additional Administrative Information
1. During the In Processing/Admin brief, a $3 donation for coffee will be collected
2. Telephone instructions:
- Student Telephones: Student Telephones are located in the General Officer's Lounge.
- Message Phone Numbers: Messages will be taken at the following DSN numbers; 639-4509 or Commercial (580) 442-4509. Messages will be forwarded to you promptly.
- Fax Phone Number: Fax's can be sent to DSN 639-6800 or Commercial @ (580) 442-6800
- To place a call:
Long Distance: Dial 97 + Area Code + number
Local on post: for 442 # dial 2 + Last 4 digits for 458 # dial 8 + last 4 digits
Off post: access class A line dial 99 + number
3. Mail, Your mailing address is:
- Student Rank/Name
- Pre Command Course
- 745 Geronimo Rd
- Fort Sill, Oklahoma 73503
4. POCs
Field Artillery Pre-Command Course: Mr. Michael Wright (580) 442-0997
Air Defense Artillery Pre-Command Course: Mr. John M. Blankenship (580) 442-0646
Students need to ensure their orders reflect that their lodging will be paid for by MTSS; unless the student receives Per Diem.
- It is the student's responsibility to ensure the lodging bill is paid by the time of checkout; therefore guests need to make sure all TDY paper work is properly processed
- If the guest is scheduled to stay at lodging more than 30 days, payments are required every 30 days
- Reduced on weekends/holidays/training holidays – Service must be requested by 1000 hours daily
- Field week, pre-clean for checkout; please pick up room
- To provide adequate service, rooms must be free of clutter and organized (no personal items on bed, etc.)
- Do Not Disturb Sign will be honored for 24 hours only!
- Rooms with kitchens must have a kitchen inspection 24 hours prior to departure. Failed inspections assessed a $25 service fee
- Incidental charges: Telephone calls, Misc. charges (i.e. damages, additional Occupant charges, etc)
- Telephone bill maximum charge $300.00
- Each guest will be responsible for any damage that occurs in his or her room
- Phone Service provided by SPRINT – there is a $0.25 initiation fee/$.015 per minute for Long Distance (not all phone numbers with the 580 area code are local)
- Room charges only
- All guests must be registered (Room key will not be issued to anyone not registered on your account)
- A $5.00 additional occupant charge per night per additional occupant
- Notify Front Desk upon checkout
- Failure to check your guest(s) out will result in additional charges to your folio
- Late checkouts incur additional room charges (Checkout is 1100)
- 1100 – 1300 incurs an additional $3.00 charge
- After 1300 incurs an additional daily rate charge
- Please do not park close to dumpsters, on grassed areas, or along yellow-painted curbs (Fire Lane)
- Overflow parking is also available in lots by Buildings 5671/75 or Buildings 5670/74 area [All parking is within a five-minute walk of high-rises]
- Illegally parked vehicles will be towed by MP's or Fire Department – No warnings will be given
- Available on first-come basis, no charge, lost key $25.00
- Check at Front Desk in Aultman Hall (5676)
- Swimming pools (behind 5678 and 5690) (Seasonal)
- Jogging track behind 5676/78
- Fitness room in 5678, 5th floor (limited equipment)
- Basketball/Tennis court
- Monday through Friday in 5678 (1st floor) from 0600 to 0900 "No Take Out"
- Saturday and Sunday "Grab it & Go" in 5676, Room 126 from 0800-1100
- IAW USAFACFS Regulation 190-1, all personnel residing on Fort Sill who own or possess a firearm will register such weapon with the law enforcement command (Provost Marshall) vehicle and weapons registration section. Firearms kept in Lodging quarters will be kept unloaded and in a place separate from ammunition, and under lock (locked cabinet, trigger lock, lock chain or rod) when quarters are unattended. A copy of the registration must be furnished to the front desk for our files
- Inventory listing available in Guest Room Directory and Report discrepancies within 24 hours
- Study Rooms in High-rises (Room key will open these doors)
- Vending Machines (soda, snack, & ice) located throughout Lodging
- Free Washers and Dryers available in all areas
- Front Desk Support 24 Hours
- Copy machine in Lobby 5676 ($0.10 per copy)
- Fax Service (Official use only) at Front Desk 5676
- Internet Access from rooms (free). Setup instructions available at the Front Desk – please report problems to the Front Desk
- Satellite TV – Hi-Rises, Guest House and 5670 area (850 area – Classis Cable) (Do not install personal satellite equipment)
- Exterior doors are locked for your security; please do not prop them open
- Please close guest room doors completely
- Candles/incense/smoking and hot plates are prohibited in guest rooms
- Do not disconnect smoke detectors in rooms
- Do not use extension cords, fire hazard deficiency
- Working on POVs (changing oil, etc.) in any parking lot is prohibited – Use Auto Skills Center.
- Report any suspicious activity immediately to Front Desk (442-5000), 0 from room phone, or call 911
Lodging POC's
For additional information, visit the MWR web-site @:
The commanding generals social will be held at the Historic patriot Club Time and Date will vary depending on the Commanding Generals Schedule. and is mandatory for all students. The attire is duty uniform and will be held immediately after the last class of the date scheduled.
- Provide future Commanders a broad update of Artillery and Fire Support issues.
- Provide up to date Doctrine and TTP.
- Provide a nurtured environment where future Commanders participate in professionally rewarding discussions with subject matter experts, Commanders and their peers.
- Establish enduring lines of communication with the field.
- Provide Commanders an opportunity to enhance their war fighting skills.