Welcome Students

I would like to congratulate you on your selection to serve our nation as an Air Defense Artillery Officer. The training you will complete over the 18 Weeks and 3 Days of the Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) will be both mentally challenging and physically demanding. Upon graduation, you will be a warrior leader who embodies the Warrior Ethos and is prepared to lead Soldiers through inspiration and motivation. I charge you to take full advantage of your time at Fort Sill by preparing yourself physically and mentally for the challenge that lies ahead.

This is an exciting time in your career and your functions as an Air Defense Artillery Officer continues to evolve. With the emerging threat of aerial attack platforms and worldwide missile production, our branch is increasingly relevant as a strategic asset in the global war on terrorism. Future Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Platoon Leaders will be responsible for highly valuable military equipment, and more importantly the lives of America's sons and daughters. I encourage you to reflect on this tremendous responsibility prior to arriving for your first day of officer instruction as an Air Defender.

Please take the time to read through the documents below, specifically the Welcome Letter. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at the phone number: 580-558-5136 or ashley.patrick2.mil@army.mil. Other contacts are listed below.


Chief, Junior Leader Training

Contact Information:
BOLC Course Manager: (580) 558-5136
BOLC Instructor Email: ada-bolc@army.mil
30th ADA BDE Staff Duty: (580) 442-2091
HQ/A, 2-6 ADA Training Room: (580) 558-0594
Fort Sill Housing Office: (580) 442-5190, (580) 442-3778, or (580) 442-2813
IHG Hotel: (580) 442-5000
Official ADA BOLC Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/AirDefenseBOLC/

Welcome Letter
CIF Issue Worksheet
Visitor Map
ADA BOLC Key Locations