American Red Cross

Service to the Armed Forces
The American Red Cross provides a worldwide system of emergency related services to members of the military and their families. These services include:
- A global communication network for services members and their families suffering a family crisis
- Verification of emergencies to assist military commanders in making informed decisions regarding regular and/or emergency leave.
- Confidential counseling, information and referral.
- Regular briefs to the military community about the Service to the Armed Forces missions during newcomers and MEPS briefs, pre- and post-deployment preparations, reconnection and reintegration workshops, and community information events.
- A Red Cross volunteer program with a variety community outreach opportunities and occupational training opportunities.
The Fort Sill office of the American Red Cross is located in the Reynolds Army Health Clinic at 4301 Wilson Street, in the South Entrance, first hallway on the right, rooms 1H149 and 1H150
For questions about becoming a Red Cross volunteer, or to request a unit or SFRG brief, or for more information on scheduling reconnection and reintegration workshops or community support programs, you can contact the Fort Sill Regional Program Manager, Sandy Evans at 580-581-9950 or by email at
To request critical Red Cross services, including emergency communication messages to loved ones, and emergency travel and financial assistance, you can contact the Hero Care Network at 877-272-7337, or online at, or via the Hero Care mobile app by texting GETHEROCARE to 90999.
Our work is only possible because of the generosity of people like you who give their time to help
Find out about all the different ways you can volunteer to support your military community through
the American Red Cross by clicking the link below to join our amazing team of volunteers!
Click here to Become a Red Cross Volunteer Today!