
The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program is committed to eliminating sexual harassment and sexual assault by creating a climate that respects the dignity of every member of the Army Family.

Installation SHARP/SARC & SHARP/VA's

Leslie Watts Lead SARC
Anthony Urban Supervisory SARC
Ray Mullins USAG SARC
Nikki Meadows USAG VA
Vacant Installation VA/Trainer

DoD Safe Helpline


Fort Sill SHARP Hotline

(580) 917-4277
Social Behaviors

Pluralistic ignorance
(“maybe it’s just me”) is a situation in which a majority of group members privately reject a norm, but incorrectly assume that most others accept it, and therefore go along with it (“follow the crowd”).

False uniqueness
(“odd person out”) assume that the difference between their attitudes and those of others is greater than it actually is (“loner” or “goody two-shoes”). May not participate in various activities and falsely assume that they are more unique than they really are.

False consensus
(“everybody’s with me”) whereby a person tends to overestimate the extent to which their beliefs or opinions are typical of those of others (ringleader).

Bystander Intervention Technique

As a bystander you play a critical role in preventing inappropriate situations from escalating. When you witness unprofessional, unethical, or disrespectful behavior.
  • Treat people with dignity and respect
  • Be professional
  • Recognize an issue and take action:
    • Direct: Make contact with either the potential victim or potential perpetrator (without risking your safety).
    • Delegate: Get others involved to intervene (friends, witnesses, command, and supervisors).
    • Distract: Create a diversion or distraction where the concerned behavior is stop.
Intervene, Act and be Motivated to be part of cultural transformation!

Sexual assault is a crime.

Department of Defense defines sexual assault as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Consent should not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Additionally, consent is not given when a person uses force, threat of force, coercion or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated or unconscious.

Sexual assault includes rape, non-consensual sodomy (oral or anal sex), indecent assault (e.g., unwanted and inappropriate sexual contact or fondling) or attempts to commit these acts. Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship or age of victim.

Call 580 917-4277 to report a sexual assault through Fort Sill 24/7 Sexual Assault Hotline.

I have been sexually assaulted. What should I do?

  • Go to a safe location away from the attacker.
  • Contact your local sexual assault response coordinator, victim advocate or healthcare provider. You also may contact your chain of command or law enforcement (military or civilian), however if you do, an investigation will be initiated through the appropriate Criminal Investigative Service or local law enforcement agency.
  • Seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be at risk of becoming pregnant or acquiring a sexually transmitted disease. Ask the healthcare provider to conduct a sexual assault forensic examination to preserve forensic evidence. If you suspect you had been drugged, request that a urine sample be collected.
  • Preserve all evidence of the assault. Do not bathe, wash your hands, eat or drink or brush your teeth. Do not clean or straighten up the crime scene.
  • Write down, tape or record by any other means all the details you can recall about the assault and your assailant.

Reporting Options- Restricted Reporting

This option is for victims of sexual assault who wish to confidentially disclose the crime to specifically identified individuals without triggering the official investigative process. Service Members who desire restricted reporting under this policy must use one of the following reporting avenues:

  • Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
  • Victim Advocate (VA)
  • Health Care Provider (HCP) or personnel
  • Legal Assistance Attorneys*
  • Chaplains*
*While legal assistance attorneys and chaplains have confidentiality/privilege, they are not restricted reporting entity.

Pros and Cons When Electing a Restricted Reporting Decision

  • You receive appropriate medical treatment , advocacy and counseling
  • Provides personal space and time to consider your options and to begin the healing process
  • Empowers you to seek relevant information and support to make more informed decisions about participating in criminal investigation
  • You control the release and management of your personal information.
  • You decide whether and when to move forward with initiating an investigation
  • Your assailant remains unpunished and capable of assaulting other victims
  • You cannot receive a military and/or civilian protective order
  • You will continue to have contact with your assailant, if he or she is in your organization or billeted with you
  • Collecting comprehensive evidence will likely caused significant obstacle should you switch to unrestricted report
  • Discussing your assault with anyone other than SARC, VA and HCP could launch a independent investigation

Reporting Options- Unrestricted Reporting

This option is recommended for victims of sexual assault who desire medical treatment, counseling and an official investigation of crime. When selecting Unrestricted Reporting, you should use current reporting channels, e.g.:

  • Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
  • Victim Advocate (VA)
  • Chaplain
  • Health Care Personnel
  • Chain of Command
  • Law Enforcement
  • Legal Personnel
Upon notification of a reported sexual assault, the SARC will immediately assign a VA. At the victim’s discretion or request the health care personnel shall conduct a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE), which may include the collection of evidence. Details regarding the incident will be limited to only those personnel who have a legitimate need to know.

Pros and Cons When Electing an Unrestricted Reporting Decision

  • Increase overall evidence collection
  • Civilian and military protective order may be obtain
  • Expedited transfer is an option (hyperlink to expedited transfer memo)
  • Support the safety of others
  • Can’t obtain a restricted report
  • Increase Agencies in the “need to know” (i.e. Chain of Command, Law Enforcement, Sexual Assault Care Coordinator, etc.)

Independent Investigation

Independent investigations are not initiated by the victim. If information about a sexual assault comes to a commander’s attention from a source other than a victim who has elected Restricted Reporting or where no election has been made by the victim, that commander shall report that matter to an MCIO and an official (independent) investigation may be initiated based on the independently acquired information.

  • If there is an ongoing independent investigation, the sexual assault victim will no longer have the option of Restricted Reporting when:
    • (a) DoD law enforcement informs the SARC of the investigation, and
    • (b) The victim has not already elected Restricted Reporting.
  • The timing of filing a Restricted Report is crucial. The victim MUST take advantage of the Restricted Reporting option BEFORE the SARC is informed of the investigation. The SARC then shall inform the victim of an ongoing independent investigation of the sexual assault. If an independent investigation begins AFTER the victim has formally elected Restricted Reporting, the independent investigation has NO impact on the victim’s Restricted Report and the victim’s communications and SAFE Kit remain confidential, to the extent authorized by law.

Non-Participating Victim

Non-Participating Victim refers to a victim choosing not to participate in the military justice system. Victims choosing either Restricted or Unrestricted Reporting, the following guidelines apply:

  • Details regarding the incident will be limited to only those personnel who have an official need to know. The Victim’s decision to decline to participate in an investigation or prosecution should be honored by all personnel charged with the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases, including, but not limited to commanders, DoD law enforcement officials, and personnel in the victim’s chain of command. If at any time the victims who originally chose the Unrestricted Reporting option declines to participate in an investigation or prosecution, that decision should be honored in accordance with this subparagraph. However, the victim cannot change from an Unrestricted to a Restricted Report. The victim should be informed by the SARC or SAPR VA that the investigation may continue regardless of whether the victim participates.
  • The victim’s decision not to participate in an investigation or prosecution will not affect access to SARC and SAPR VA services or medical and psychological care. These services shall be made available to all eligible sexual assault victims.
  • If a victim approaches a SARC and SAPR VA and begins to make a report, but then changes his or her mind and leaves without signing the DD Form 2910 (where the reporting option is selected), the SARC or SAPR VA is not under any obligation or duty to inform investigators or commanders about this report and will not produce the report or disclose the communications surrounding the report. If commanders or law enforcement ask about the report, disclosures can only be made in accordance with exception to MRE 514 privilege.

Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders when—

  • (1) Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s job, pay, or career.
  • (2) Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person.
  • (3) Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
Any person in a supervisory or command position who uses or condones implicit or explicit sexual behavior to control, influence, or affect the career, pay, or job of a Soldier or civilian employee is engaging in sexual harassment. Similarly, any Soldier or civilian employee who makes deliberate or repeated unwelcome verbal comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature is engaging in sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment has the potential for many psychological effects on an individual, including:

  • Confusion
  • Embarrassment
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Mistrust
  • Stress related to: Character attacks; Same-gender; Masculinity

Potential physical effects includes:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle pain
  • Decreased coordination
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach problems
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Sexual disinterest or dysfunction

Two ways to solve a Sexual Harassment Complaint:

  • Informal complaint is any complaint that a Soldier or Family member does not wish to file in writing. Informal complaints may be resolved directly by the individual, with the help of another unit member, the commander or other person in the complainant’s chain of command. Typically, those issues that can be taken care of informally can be resolved through discussion, problem identification, and clarification of the issues.
  • Formal complaint is one that a complainant files in writing and swears to the accuracy of the information. Formal complaints require specific actions, are subject to timelines, and require documentation of the actions taken. Soldiers have 60 calendar days from the date of the alleged incident in which to file a formal complaint. This time limit is established to set reasonable parameters for the inquiry or investigation and resolution of complaints, to include ensuring the availability of witnesses, accurate recollection of events, and timely remedial action. If a complaint is received after 60 calendar days, the commander may conduct an investigation into the allegations or appoint an investigating officer in deciding whether to conduct an investigation, the commander should consider the reason for the delay, the availability of witnesses, and whether a full and fair inquiry or investigation can be conducted.

All Soldiers and civilians have a responsibility to help resolve acts of sexual harassment. The five intervention techniques for dealing with sexual harassment:

  • Direct approach: Confront the harasser and tell them that the behavior is not appreciated, not welcomed and that it must stop. Stay focused on the behavior and its impact. Use common courtesy. Write down thoughts before approaching the individual involved.
  • Indirect approach: Send a letter to the harasser stating the facts, personal feelings about the inappropriate behavior and expected resolution.
  • Third party: Request assistance from another person. Ask someone else to talk to the harasser, to accompany the victim, or to intervene on behalf of the victim to resolve the conflict.
  • Chain of command: Report the behavior to immediate supervisor or others in chain of command and ask for assistance in resolving the situation.
  • Filing a formal complaint: Military and/or family members (18yrs and over) may file with a full time Sexual Assualt Response Coordinator (SARC). For DoD civilians and Contractor may file through the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office.

Reasons for not reporting the incidents:

  • Lack of faith in the chain of command
  • Labeled as a non-team player
  • Subject of gossip
  • Peer pressure
  • Not worth the risk/time
  • Fear of reprisal

Reprisal is defined as:

  • Taking or threatening to take an unfavorable personnel action
  • Withholding or threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action
  • Making or preparing to make a protected communication

Reprisal may take various forms -Threatening: Giving signs, warnings, or indications of intended actions -Intimidating: Making timid by inhibiting, frightening, or discouraging with threats of harm -Harassing: Annoying or tormenting repeatedly
Reprisal plan will be included for a formal complaint. This will ensure the safety and well being of the complainant. At a minimum, specified meetings and discussions will be with the following: -Complainant -Subject -Named witnesses -Selected members of the chain of command and co-workers
Expedited Victim Transfer Requests

A. Any threat to life or safety of a Service member shall be immediately reported to command and DoD law enforcement authorities and a request to transfer the victim under these circumstances will be handled in accordance with established Service regulations.

B. Services members who file an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault shall be informed by the SARC, SAPR VA, or the Service member’s commanding officer (CO) at the time of making the report, or as soon as practicable, of the option to request a temporary or permanent expedited transfer from their assigned command or installation, or to a different location within their assigned command or installation. The Service members shall initiate the transfer request and submit the request to their "CO's". The CO shall document the date and time the request is received.

(1) A presumption shall be established in favor of transferring a Service member (who initiated the transfer request) following a credible report of sexual assault. The CO, or the appropriate approving authority, shall make a credible report determination at the time the expedited request is made after considering the advice of the supporting judge advocate, or other legal advisor concerned, and the available evidence based on an MCIO’s investigation’s information (if available).

(2) Expedited transfers for Services members who repot that they are victims of sexual assault shall be limited to sexual assault offenses reported in the form of an Unrestricted Report.
(a) Sexual assault against adults is defined in the (DODI 6495.02 , and included UCMJ Article 120 and Article 125 of Reference (q) . This Instruction does not address victims covered under the Family Advocacy Program in reference (n).
(b) If the Service member files a Restricted Report in accordance with Reference (b) and requests an expedited transfer, the Service member must affirmatively change his or her reporting option to Unrestricted Reporting on the DD Form 2910, in order to be eligible for an expedited transfer.

(3) When the alleged perpetrator is the commander or otherwise in the victim’s chain of command, the SARC shall inform such victims of opportunity to go outside the chain of command to report the offense to MCIOs, other commanding officers or an Inspector General. Victims shall be informed that they can also seek assistance from a legal assistance attorney or the DoD Safe Helpline.

(4) The CO shall expeditiously process a transfer request from a command or installation, or to a different location within the command or installation. The CO shall request and take into consideration the Service member’s input before making a decision involving a temporary or permanent transfer and the location of the transfer. If approved, the transfer orders shall also include the Service member’s dependents or military spouse (as applicable).

(5) The CO must approve or disapprove a Service member’s request for a permanent change of station (PCS), permanent change of assignment (PCA), or unit transfer within 72 hours from receipt of the Service member’s request. The decision to approve the request shall be immediately forwarded to the designated activity that processes PCS, PCA, or unit transfers.

(6) If the Service member’s transfer request is disapproved by the CO, the Service member shall be given the opportunity to request review by the first G/FO in the chain of command of the member, or an SES equivalent. The decision to approve or disapprove the request for transfer must be made within 72 hours of submission of the request for review. If a civilian SES equivalent reviewer approves the transfer, the Secretary of the Military Department concerned shall process and issue orders for the transfer.

(7) Military Departments shall make every reasonable effort to minimize disruption to the normal career progression of a Service member who reports that he or she is a victim of a sexual assault.

(8) Expedited transfer procedures require that a CO or the appropriate approving authority make a determination and provide his or her reasons and justification on the transfer of a Service member based on a credible report of sexual assault. A CO shall consider:
(a) The Service member’s reason for the request
(b) Potential transfer of the alleged offender instead of the Service member requesting the transfer.
(c) Nature and circumstances of the offense
(d) Whether a temporary transfer would meet the Service member’s needs and the operational needs of the unit.
(e) Training status of the Service member requesting the transfer.
(f) Availability of positions within other units on the installation.
(g) Status of the investigation and potential impact on the investigation and future disposition of the offense, after consultation with the investigation MCIOs.
(h) Location of the alleged offender.
(i) Alleged offender’s status (Service member or civilian).
(j) Other pertinent circumstances or facts.

(9) Service members requesting the transfer shall be informed that they may have to return for the prosecution of the case, if the determination is made that prosecution is the appropriate command action.

(10) Commanders shall directly counsel the Service member to ensure that he or she is fully informed regarding:
(a) Reasonably foreseeable career impacts.
(b) The potential impact of the transfer or reassignment on the investigation and case disposition or the initiation of other adverse action against the alleged offender.
(c) The effect on bonus recoupment (if, for example, they cannot work in their Air Force Specialty or Military Occupational Specialty).
(d) Other possible consequences of granting the request.

(11) Require that expedited transfer procedures for Reserve Component, Army NG, and Air NG members who make Unrestricted Reports of sexual assault be established by commanders within available resources and authorities. If requested by the Service member, the command should allow for separate training on different weekends or times from the alleged offender or with a different unit in the home drilling location to ensure undue burden is not placed on the Service member and his or her family by the transfer. Potential transfer of the alleged offender instead of the Service member should also be considered. At a minimum, the alleged offender’s access to the Service member who made the Unrestricted Report shall be controlled, as appropriate.

(12) Even in those court-martial cases in which the accused has been acquitted, the standard for approving an expedited transfer still remains whether a credible report has been filed. The commander shall consider all the facts and circumstances surrounding the case and the basis for the transfer request.

Eligibility for Reporting:

Active duty, adult dependents and Department of the Army civilians (appropriated and non-appropriated fund employees)* are eligible to receive both restricted and unrestricted reporting.

Contractors and retirees are eligible for UNRESTRICTED REPORTING ONLY if reporting on post. To receive confidential services, support is available off post through Marie Detty, New Directions, (580) 357-2500.

*Army Directive 2017-02 allows appropriated and non-appropriated fund employees restricted and unrestricted reporting for a one year trial period (5 January 2017 to 4 January 2018) .