Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)

Located in Taylor Hall, Building 462, the mission of the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Fires Center of Excellence, is to provide commanders and their staff with accurate, proactive legal advice on all issues affecting the Army and the Joint Force, while continuing to deliver quality legal services to Soldiers, retirees, and their families. Within the OSJA, these responsibilities are divided among several different divisions. Click division from directory below for more information.
You may visit or contact JAG (SJA) at our office by phone at (580) 442-5058 or by fax at (580) 442-3817 (DSN 639)
Persons Eligible to receive assistance:
- Active Component members and their families;
- Reserve Component members who are serving on active duty for more than 29 days, and their family members;
- Retirees who are receiving military retirement and their family members;
- Surviving family members who would be entitled to legal assistance if the service or retired member were alive.
- DoD civilians (a) against whom pecuniary liability has been recommended under AR 735-5 or (b) who are deploying to a combat zone or on a contingency operation, but only on matters related to deployment.
- Primary next of kin as defined in AR 600-8 for matters related to settlement of an estate of Active Army or Reserve service members who die while in a military duty status.
WALK-IN SERVICES FOR POWERS OF ATTORNEY AND SIMPLE NOTARIZATIONS ONLY are available during hours of operation. All other Legal Assistance services (to include notarization of house closing documents) are provided on an appointment basis only.
To schedule an appointment to speak with a Legal Assistance attorney, either e-mail the Legal Assistance Officeduring duty or non-duty hours at or call the LAO appointment phone line (580) 442-5058 during duty hours only.
When requesting a Legal Assistance appointment by e-mail, please include the following information along with a completed intake sheet:
- Name and rank
- DoD ID number
- DoD ID expiration date
- Spouse's name, if applicable
- Spouse's DoD ID number, if applicable
- Your contact information (to include the phone number you want the attorney to contact you at for your appointment)
- A very general description of your legal issue
Appointments are usually scheduled within 5-10 business days. You must present a valid military ID upon check-in. If you will not be available during your scheduled appointment, please contact the LAO 24 hours in advance to cancel so that we can assist other clients.
Scheduled appointments may be telephonic or in-person at the LAO (at the option of the client). If telephonic, the attorney will call the client at the scheduled appointment time using the phone number provided by the client. If in-person, clients should arrive to the LAO (4th floor, bldg. 4700) at least 10 minutes before their scheduled appointment time.
Appointments must be made for estate planning counseling to have an attorney draft a will. After the counseling (whether in-person or telephonic), the servicing attorney will coordinate a date/time with the client for in-person will execution. Service members who are deploying can get a will done on a walk-in basis.
Powers of Attorney:
Powers of attorney will be completed only where the individual requesting the power of attorney provides sufficient documentation. Accordingly, in addition to a valid identification card, the individual requesting the power of attorney must provide all required information, such as such as the vehicle identification number for a vehicle power of attorney, or legal property description (found on title or deed), for a real property power of attorney. Be aware that not all businesses or organizations will honor the powers of attorney. Therefore, it is recommended that you check with your financial institution or place you plan on using the power of attorney for their acceptance.
The Legal Assistance Office provides general advice and assistance in the following areas:
- Personal Civil Disputes: Tenant's Rights, Auto Warranties, Lemon Law
- Real Property Issues: Review of Contracts for Purchase/Sale of Home, Review of Leases, Mortgage Foreclosure
- Economic Matters: Identity Theft, Insurance, Bankruptcy, Credit Reporting Issues
- Family Matters: Adoption, Name Change, Child Support or Non-support, Child Custody, Divorce, Immigration
- Civilian Criminal Matters: Advice Only
- Military: OER/NCOER Appeals, FLIPL rebuttals, Suspension of Security Clearance, GOMOR Rebuttals, Non-punitive Chapter Discharges
- Special Education: Army Families with exceptional children may face unique challenges. Call our office to see what a free and appropriate public education means in your situation
- Limitations on Services: The Legal Assistance Office does not provide assistance in the following areas: Military Justice Matters, Punitive Chapter Actions, Article 15s, Private Business Activities of the Client, Litigation/Claims for or against the U.S., Employment Matters.
4700 Mow-Way Road, Suite 400, Fort Sill, OK 73503
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9am / 4pm | Friday / 9am - 3pm | Thursday
/ 1pm - 4pm (CLOSED THURSDAY MORNINGS and on all military training and federal holidays)
(580) 442-5058
| Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday : 9am - 11:45pm & 1pm - 4pm | Thursday :
1pm - 4pm
The Fort Sill Claims Office is located on the 4th Floor of Building 4700 (Welcome Center) at 4700 Mow-Way Road, Fort Sill, Oklahoma 73503.
For ALL Household Goods shipment claims or other Personnel Claims (e.g., POV shipment damage, on-post POV theft or vandalism, on-post quarters damage or theft, or damage to personal property caused by an unusual occurrence such as fire, flood, or hurricane), claimants must call the U.S. Army Center for Personnel Claims Support (CPCS) at (502) 626-3000, or e-mail them at For tort claims or Article 139 claims, appointments are necessary to speak with a claims adjudicator or attorney at the Fort Sill Claims Office. To make an appointment, call (580) 442-5058.
The three most common types of claims filed are the following:
Personnel Claims Act, 31 USC § 3721, as implemented by Army Regulation 27-20,
chapter 11.
These are administrative claims by military personnel and DA civilians only for losses
incident to service. This includes household goods damages during shipment; POV
shipment damage; on-post POV theft, vandalism and other unusual occurrences; and
on-post quarters damage and theft. This is a gratuitous payment statute, not intended
as total insurance coverage.
Claims under Article 139, Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 USC § 939, as
implemented by Army Regulation 27-20, chapter 9. These are administrative claims
made against military personnel only for loss of, or damage to real or personal property
that has been willfully damaged or wrongfully taken. Claims for death or personal injury,
subrogated claims, and claims founded in negligence or breach of a contractual or
fiduciary relationship are excluded. All claims under this chapter must be presented to
an Army claims office within 90 days of the incident.
Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 USC §§ 2671 - 2680, as implemented by Army Regulation
27-20, chapter 4. These are administrative claims made by anyone against the United
States Government for loss or damage caused by a government employee acting in the
scope of his/her employment. Please note that Claims Office personnel cannot assist
anyone in filing a claim against the Government; however, the Claims Office can supply
claimants with the necessary forms to fill out. The FTCA requires the filing of an
administrative claim, signed and demanding a sum certain, with the appropriate agency
within two years of the incident. Once the claim is filed, the claimant must wait to file suit
in federal court until six months have elapsed since the date of filing, a final offer is
issued, or the claim is denied, whichever comes first.
The Army has created a new office at Fort Knox to process Soldiers' claims of personal
property losses incident to government service - the Center for Personnel Claims
Support (CPCS). The new CPCS will process all claims of Soldiers and employees in
CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Soldiers filing claims OCONUS will file
claims online, but instead of contacting the CPCS, they will contact their local legal
office for assistance in processing their claims.
All CONUS personnel will be able to file a claim electronically with the CPCS by going
to: to
To find more information on how to file a claim (to include the trifold on the A,B,C's of
Claims), you may also call the Center at 1-502-626-3000 or DSN 536-3000 with
questions. You also can contact CPCS by email at
All Medical Care Recovery claims are now handled directly with Reynolds Army Health
Clinic. You can reach their claims personnel by calling 580-558-9972.
U.S. Army Center for Personnel Claims Support (CPCS) Portal: CPCS PORTAL
Center for Personnel Claims Support (CPCS) Handout: THE ABCS OF CLAIMS
The Administrative and Civil Law division serves as the primary resource for commanders, assisting with interpretation of regulations, advice and counsel on investigations, and compliance with ethical standards. Administrative Law attorneys also advise boards and investigations, review separation actions, and provide general legal advice to the command. The Administrative Law Division is also responsible for the Fort Sill Ethics Program. Civil Law attorneys provide advice and assistance on matters ranging from government contracting to environmental law. Civil Law attorneys also represent the United States Government in labor disputes.
Second Floor | Taylor Hall, Building 462
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday / 9am - 4pm | Thursday /
(580) 442-2703
The mission of the Fort Sill Criminal Law Division is to provide support to Fort Sill commanders and directors in military justice matters. This includes training commanders and soldiers in military justice, advising commanders as to disposition of soldier misconduct, preparation for and trying of all levels of courts-martial, administration of courts-martial cases pending appeal, and finalizing of courts-martial after appeal.
Taylor Hall, Building 462
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday / 9am - 4pm | Thursday /
(580) 442-3900
The Criminal Law Division, through its trial counsel and brigade legal NCOs and specialists, provides a variety of training to Fort Sill units, including an initial military justice brief to incoming trainees, training of unit commanders and soldiers in military justice and law of war, and training of Field Artillery officers attending the FA Basic and Advanced courses.
The trial counsel, attorneys who are the commands’ prosecutors for specific jurisdictions, are directly responsible for providing timely, accurate legal advice and recommendations to commanders within their jurisdictions. The trial counsels advise commanders as to the legal sufficiency of evidence, recommend courses of action, and execute administrative separations and courts-martial when selected as a course of action by commanders. Courts-martial are held in the Honorable Patrick J. Hurley courtroom located in Taylor Hall.
Once courts-martial are completed, the Criminal Law Division manages the case through the post-trial process. The post-trial process involves approval of the court-martial sentence by the convening authority and record management while the case is being appealed to higher courts.
The U.S. Army Trial Defense Service (TDS) is an independent entity that functions much like a public defender’s office. TDS represents soldiers in courts-martial and separation proceedings, and provides other assistance as needed. The Region III TDS Field Office is located in Sheridan Hall, Building 652, 1st floor.
652 Hamilton Road, Fort Sill, Oklahoma 73503
(580) 442-2223
Since its establishment as a separate organization in 1980, the U.S. Army Trial Defense Service (TDS) has provided independent, competent, and ethical defense legal services to Soldiers worldwide whenever required by law or regulation or when authorized by the Judge Advocate General. TDS counsel, who are not supervised or rated by any commander on Fort Sill, represent Soldiers before courts-martial and administrative elimination or reduction boards and during criminal investigations, while counseling Soldiers regarding pre-trial restraint, non-judicial punishment, and many other adverse actions.
Military Tax Assistance is now provided through the MilTax service, coordinated through Ft. Sill ACS. Service members and spouses have access to MilTax free tax filing and prep services, tax consideration info and more.
Start with Military OneSource MilTax for information on free tax filing in the military. MilTax is a suite of free tax services for the military community, including personalized support from tax consultants, easy-to-use tax preparation and e-filing software, and helpful information on filing your tax return in the military. MilTax services are designed to address the realities of military life – including deployments, combat and training pay, housing and rentals, and multistate filings – and to increase your chances of getting a tax refund.
Have questions? Call Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 or live chat to schedule a free consultation with a MilTax consultant or a financial counselor. Visit the Miltax Website for additional information at
The Fort Sill Soldiers’ Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) Counsel’s Office Assists Soldiers Through the Physical Disability Process.
4700 Mow Way| Road Suite 3G122
(580) 558-2382
The Soldiers’ Medical Evaluation Board Counsel’s Office was established under the terms of an agreement between The Judge Advocate General of the Army and The Surgeon General of the Army.
The Fort Sill Soldiers’ Medical Evaluation Board Counsel’s Office is staffed by an attorney and certified Paralegal NCO specially trained in disability law and the Army physical disability system. They assist Soldiers undergoing MEB/PEB board proceedings. At no cost to the Soldier, these professional advocates represent the individual Soldiers undergoing the MEB/PEB process, ensuring their rights are protected and that a fair assessment of a Soldier’s medical condition is rendered and documented during the MEB/PEB process.
These legal advocates review their Soldier’s Client’s MEB/PEB case file and the Soldier’s medical records to evaluate potential and likely outcomes; advise the client on potential results of the boards; advise the client on other known medical testing or medical records that he/she should discuss with his/her medical team to ensure the record is complete and necessary documentation is present for their case. Additionally, the legal team has the experience and knowledge to work with multiple commands, organizations, and individuals on and off Fort Sill to resolve Soldier issues that often arise while the Soldier is undergoing the MEB/PEB process. Soldiers do not have to be in the WTU (Warrior Transition Unit) to be eligible for this office’s services.
Services provided to Soldiers during the MEB/PEB process:
- Initial in brief
- Review DA Form 3947 & NARSUM
- Advise Soldiers of their rights
- Assist developing evidence
- Review Informal PEB decision
- Request informal reconsideration by PEB
- Represent Soldier at formal PEB hearing
- Assist with COAD/COAR request
- Assist with appeal