Resource Management Office (RMO)

Mission Statement
Identify, formulate, allocate, and monitor execution of the Garrison's funding, manpower, and agreement programs. Serves as principal advisor to the Garrison Commander and Fort Sill's Garrison staff on resources, and internal Control Programs.
To Determine the type of agreement needed Agreements Process
What kind of agreement do I need?
MOA-details, methods or procedures for non-reimbursable agreements & with civilian companies & state or government activities & non profit & Private organizations. Follow the MOA/MOU development process.
DD1144-If reimbursement is required, a DD1144 is probably required. MOA/MOU will not be used. Follow the DD1144 Support Agreement development process.
Be sure you know what requires the MOA/MOU?
Higher HQ
Customer requires an agreement
Steps to develop a Memorandum of Agreement / Understanding Agreements Process (PPT)
What kind of agreement do I need?
MOA-datails, method or procedures for non-reimbursable agreement & with civilian companies & state or government activities & non profit & private organizations. Follow the MOA/MOU development process:
MOU-we are going to do this in return for you doing that. Follow the MOA/MOU development process.
DD1144-If reimbursement is required, a DD1144 is probably required. MOA/MoU will not be used. Follow the DD1144 Support Agreement development process.
Be sure you know what requires the MOA/MOU
Higher HQ
Customer requires an agreement
Steps to develop a Support Agreement (SA) Support Agreements Process (PPT)
Billing Requirements
When customer is a Public customer, Garrison Budget Office shall require Advance Payments Annually/Quarterly. Garrison Budget Office will send out monthly consumption statements as required. Method of payment is by check made out to the Treasury with accompanying Universal Order form.
MIPR/Universal Order Form
RECEIVER will forward appropriate funding document, e.g., DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) or Universal Order form pertaining to this agreement to HQ, US Army Garrison, Directorate of Resource Management, Garrison Budget Office.
Universal Order form is a required document for any reimbursement that is provided outside of a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) for the purpose of providing Accounting information to be used in the reimbursement process.
Point of Contact:
USAG Fort Sill (IMSI-RMB), Resource Management Office Mailing Address: 462 NW Hamilton Road, Suite 102 Fort Sill, OK 73503-1899
Telephone: DSN 639 - or - (580) 442-4360
Fax: DSN 639 - or (580) 442 - 7577