FSDD Faculty & Staff Development
"Directorate of Training Development and Doctrine"

Provide Fires Center of Excellence (FCoE) faculty and staff with instruction, opportunity, and the environment for personal growth to enable them to excel in their abilities to teach the world's best Soldiers. Conducts Common Faculty Development Programs (CFDP) and other professional development forums. Maintains and archives student qualification records.
Intentionally develop quality faculty through people and process.
Courses and Information
Common Faculty Development – Instructor Course (CFD-IC)
Course Scope
The Instructor Course (CFD-IC), one of two courses that comprise the Common Faculty Development Program, is a ten-day/80 hour course designed for new faculty (e.g. instructors, trainers, and facilitators). It is a competency-based course with the learning objectives based on Army Professional Instructor Standards. The course prepares new faculty to teach, train, and facilitate learning in an adult learning environment. CFD-IC introduces new faculty to Army instructor roles and responsibilities, teaching and learning models, and professional and ethical requirements. The course also introduces students to the educational topics of classroom management techniques, learning objective development, lesson plan review and revision, and characteristics of effective communication. Throughout the course, new faculty will have an opportunity to apply learned skills and practice teaching, working from short, simple practicum exercises to increasingly longer and more complex ones, culminating in an end of course capstone. The first week of the course focuses on characteristics of effective instructors, self-awareness—of differences in teaching and learning style preferences—and fundamentals of teaching and learning as they apply to adults. The second week focuses more on application of those fundamentals in various teaching and learning practicums, with both instructor, peer, and self-assessment in a collaborative learning environment.
Enrollment Pre-requisites
School registrars will provide the DOTD, FSDD registrar with the following paperwork:
- Computer Access memorandum signed by IT Supervisor/Coordinator (individuals must have FCoE computer access during seminar)
- Certificate of completion Blackboard 101
- Registrar Enrollment Form
- Certificate of completion of Risk Management (within 1 year)
**Graduates of Common Faculty Development – Instructor Course within the last five years (of today’s date) remain certified. All others please contact FSDD for current recertification requirements.
Course Pre-Requisites
The Registrar will notify participants of course date enrollment upon completion/submission of enrollment pre-requisites. Ten (10) working days prior to class start date, the participant will receive a copy of the Letter of Instruction (LOI) via email. The LOI must be read prior to the course and any pre-assignments completed/submitted.
Course Date and Registration
Course dates and registration requirements can be obtained by contacting the DoTD Registrar at 580-442-1546.
Advanced Faculty Development Course (AFDC)
Course Scope
Professional development that provides an opportunity for faculty to continue to develop professionally and stay abreast of current educationally concepts, methodologies, and regulatory changes. This three day re-qualification course builds on student’s experience by introducing new instructional strategies and training concepts along with core content areas. Course pre-attendance assignments will cover key course topics, assigned to each student. They will develop a lesson on that topic, then submit to the instructor prior to attending the course. During the resident portion of the course, the students will participate in discussions, complete assigned readings, journal learning milestones, evaluate instructional videos, and instruct the lesson they developed as a pre-requisite assignment, as well as, re-design and instruct a lesson from the course they currently teach for the Capstone exercise.
Enrollment Pre-requisites
School registrars will provide the DOTD, FSDD registrar with the following paperwork:
- Certificate of completion of ABIC/CFD-IC or ArmyU equivalent qualification Course
- Certificate of completion Blackboard 101
- Verification of current instructor certification
- Registrar Enrollment Form
- Certificate of completion of Risk Management (within 1 year)
- Computer Access memorandum signed by IT Supervisor/Coordinator (individuals must have FCoE computer access during course)
Course Pre-Requisites
The Registrar will notify participants of course date enrollment upon completion/submission of enrollment pre-requisites. Ten (10) working days prior to class start date, the participant will receive a copy of course Advance Sheet, Letter of Instruction (LOI), and Individual Student Assessment Plan (ISAP). This information must be read prior to the course and any pre-assignments completed/submitted, if applicable. Information is available on the Faculty Development SharePoint:
Course dates and registration requirements can be obtained by contacting the DoTD Registrar at 580-442-1546 or on the FSDD SharePoint site:
Common Faculty Development – Developer Course (CFD-DC)
Course Scope
The Common Faculty Development Developer Course (CFD-DC) is a two week/80-hour course designed to provide curriculum developers and instructor writers with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to effectively develop a lesson plan. The course goal is to immerse curriculum developers in the Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation (ADDIE) process of instructional design, while building a strong foundation in adult learning principles, supported in ALC 2020 and the Army Learning Strategy; and applying those concepts to writing/evaluating curriculum to maximize student engagement and learning. Students will gain a clearer understanding of what blended learning is and the different methodologies used to maximize student learning in the classroom through practical application and higher order thinking, rather than being lectured to. Once the educational foundation has been established, the course will then progress through the various phases of the ADDIE process. This will be done by breaking the learning into manageable chunks, with examples and practical application imbedded into courseware, 360 feedback and instructor feedback sessions after the practical exercises to further their development, and ultimately leading to the student revising their own lesson plan based off of their learning development throughout the course.
Enrollment Pre-requisites
School registrars will provide the DOTD, FSDD registrar with the following paperwork:
- Computer Access memorandum signed by IT Supervisor/Coordinator (individuals must have FCoE computer access during seminar)
- Certificate of completion CFD-IC
- Registrar Enrollment Form
- Certificate of completion of Risk Management (within 1 year)
- Certificate of completion of ABIC/CFD-IC or ArmyU equivalent qualification Course
Course Pre-Requisites
The Registrar will notify participants of course date enrollment upon completion/submission of enrollment pre-requisites. Ten (10) working days prior to class start date, the participant will receive a copy of the Letter of Instruction (LOI) via email. The LOI must be read prior to the course and any pre-assignments completed/submitted.
Course dates and registration requirements can be obtained by contacting the DoTD Registrar at 580-442-1546.
Training and Education Developer Middle Managers Course (TEDMMC)
Course Overview
Overview of how the Generating Force operates in terms of mission and programs. The focus is on using TRADOC Regulation 350-70, associated pamphlets, and student handouts to facilitate the management of training and education activities, including integration of development efforts with material procurement and the Operational Force. This course further highlights: The Army Training and Education Development (ATED) process - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation (ADDIE). Current learning methodologies. TRADOC Reg. 350-70 and 350-70 series pamphlets. Information resource management techniques. Training budget processes. Engaging and realistic problem solving exercises.
Enrollment Pre-requisites
School registrars will provide the DOTD, FSDD registrar with the following paperwork:
- Computer Access memorandum signed by IT Supervisor/Coordinator (individuals must have FCoE computer access during seminar)
- Certificate of completion of SATBC/CFD-DC or ArmyU equivalent Developer Course
- Certificate of completion or recertification of Blackboard 101
- Verification of current developer/instructor certification
- Registrar Enrollment Form
SATBC or CFD-DC graduate. Student should be assigned full-time to a Training Development managerial position.
Target Population:
Military Officers, Warrant Officers, and Noncommissioned Officers of the Active Army, Army National Guard, or Army Reserve, holding the rank of Staff Sergeant (E-6) to Sergeant Major (SGM), CW2/CW3, and Captain (O-3) through Lieutenant Colonel (O-5), assigned to or on orders to a position requiring expertise in the management of training and education.
DoD Civilian: GS-09 through GS-12, in the 1710, 1712, or 1750 series career fields, or enrolled in the CP-32 Intern Program, assigned to or programmed for an assignment requiring expertise in the management of training and education.
Senior Training and Education Managers Course (STEMC)
Course Scope
STEMC provides a practitioners overview of how HQ TRADOC supports centers and schools in terms of mission and function. The focus is on managing and integrating training development activities with capability, force, and materiel development. Management of integration and standardization systems are studied from the perspective of senior training development managers. This course is designed as a virtual classroom using MS Teams, Video Teleconference (VTC), Blackboard, and telecommunications capabilities. The STEMC is presented quarterly by HQ TRADOC to students located at Centers and Schools.
Enrollment Pre-requisites
Students must occupy a senior training position and should attend STMC prior to taking a senior training position or as early in their tenure as possible.
AC/RC Officers: MAJ to COL
AC/RC Warrant Officers: CW4/CW5
DoD Civilian:
Individuals who perform more than half their time in education, training, training development, and capability and doctrine development assignments. GS-13 through GS-15.
*Other personnel in key training or staff positions enrolled by exception.
Target Audience:
Commandants; Assistant Commandants; Deputy Assistant Commandants; Training Brigade and Training Battalion Commanders/XOs/CSMs; NCO Academy Commandants; Directors (TRADOC); Directors of Training and Doctrine (DOTD); Directors of Training (DOT); Training Department Directors; Quality Assurance Directors; TRADOC System Managers; TRADOC Capability Managers; supervisors, and GS13-15s NOTE: GS12s considered on case by case basis.
ArmyU Home
Instructor Certification Policy Letter
Training Assessment Tool w/New Standards
Faculty Development & Recognition Program: Reporting Requirements
Chief of FSDD
CFD-IC Course Manager
CFD-DC Course Manager
TEDMMC Manager
580 442-7461
STEMC Manager
Dean of Academics