24/7 Emergency Contact Number
(580) 442-3251
Work Order Reception
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 0730-1600
Thursday: Closed 0730-1130 for Quad Processing
Closed on Federal & Training Holidays
Phone: (580) 442-4906
Work Order Q & A
What is the difference between a service order and a work order?
* A service order is basic maintenance and repair project by a single shop that requires under 32hrs of work and less than $5,000. The service order desk number is 442-3251.
* A work order is work to be performed that is over the service order limit. A work order requires a
DA Form 4283 and a
Quad Chart. (A quad is not needed for signs, I-Bolts and key requests). For information regarding work requests call 442-4906.
2. How do we find information pertaining to our service orders and work orders?
You can find the information on the DPW home page via the intranet. SharePoint Links > DPW > BOD - Bus Op Div > Work Order. Browse by Selecting > FY14 IJO Workbook > IJO Log Sheet or Quad Revision Sheet > Search by Building Number, Work order number or Requestor ID.
3. What is a Quad Chart?
quad chart is an attachment to the
DA Form 4283 that allows more information to be added for DPW to better determine how to solve the customer's request and for justification of the project.
4. When are work requests and quads due for the meeting and when and where is the quad meeting?
Work requests are due into DPW, Work Reception by 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning to make it to the quad meeting the next
day, Wednesday at 0930. The quad meeting is held in Building 1950 DPW Conference Room or by teleconference. Contact
5. How do we get permission for additional R&U supplies?
When you have received your quota of R&U supplies and more are needed, a DA 4283 can be filled out requesting the
additional supplies and submitted for Signature Approval to the DPW Work Reception (located in Building 1950 or emailed to
USARMY Ft Sill ID-Training Mailbox DPW Work Order Request).