Field Artillery Proponent Office (FAPO)

Mission Statement
The Field Artillery Proponent Office maintains a balanced and sustainable branch of officers, warrant officers, NCO’s and Soldiers to facilitate the execution of the Field Artillery’s missions.
The Proponent Office provides oversight of the eight personnel life-cycle management functions* related to all Field Artillery career fields (officer and enlisted). Additionally, it facilitates personnel related requirements and actions in close coordination with Human Resources Command (EPMD/OPMD), the Fires Center of Excellence at Fort Sill and all units, agencies or elements impacted by personnel management decisions, actions and/or functions.
The office maintains a balanced and sustainable branch of officers, warrant officers, NCO’s and Soldiers to facilitate the execution of the Field Artillery’s mission.
A modernized Field Artillery community led by agile and innovative leaders who provide tactical overmatch for Force 2025 and beyond through effective integration of precision joint and combined arms fires.
Lifecycle Functions
- Structure
- Acquisition
- Distribution
- Sustainment
- Compensation
- Personnel development
- Deployment
- Transition