Army National Guard Field Artillery Proponent LNO
Field Artillery Proponent Office (FAPO)

Army National Guard Field Artillery Proponent LNO
FAPO Mission
The Field Artillery Proponent Office maintains a balanced and sustainable branch of Officers, Warrant Officers, NCO’s and Soldiers to facilitate the execution of the Field Artillery’s mission.
- Secure National Guard concurrence/non-concurrence on all significant force structure initiatives affecting the FA force structure (e.g. 13T Deletion, 13J Merger, etc.)
- Intermediary between the ARNG FA Community and the Active Duty FA Community; connect RFIs and RFAs from the ARNG FA organizations (or vice versa) with the proper office or representative to action and advise.
- Provide ARNG Concurrence & Recommendations for Field Artillery Military Occupational Class Structure and ASI changes and updates
- Receive & process all ARNG branch transfer and MOS waiver requests
- ARNG FA SME on Soldier 2020 – Gender Integration, HPDT and OPAT
- Serve as ARNG representative at all working groups and IPRs within FAPO’s AO