Noncommissioned Officer Academy

Students from outside Fort Sill, OK. with an ATTRS wait, “W” status reservations, do not have authorization to travel to the NCO Academy. Additionally, NCOA will deny enrolment for any student arriving in a “flagged” status.
Leaders, welcome to the United States Army Fires Center of Excellence Noncommissioned Officer Academy (NCOA). Congratulations on your selection to attend your level of Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System (NCOPDS) course. Your selection places you among the best in your career management fields and demonstrates your potential to operate in positions of greater responsibility.
The NCOA provides students with a demanding, relevant, and rigorous Professional Military Education (PME) for both the Air Defense and Field Artillery branches. The NCOA develops Holistically Fit, Disciplined, and Highly Ethical Noncommissioned Officers capable of leading during Large Scale Ground Combat Operations.
Basic Leader Course (BLC) is a branch-immaterial course providing Soldiers the fundamental leadership skills and knowledge to lead team-size units. This is the foundation of NCOPDS, which prepares our junior Soldiers to become Sergeants in the U.S Army. BLC prepares Sergeants to effectively lead and operate in today's environment and operational assignments. BLC is highly focused on the leadership attributes and competencies.
Advanced Leader Course (ALC) is a branch-specific course for our NCOs in preparing them for the duties and responsibilities of a Staff Sergeant/Section Chief. ALC enhances technical and tactical skills to train NCOs to lead section and platoon-size units. ALC is designed for NCOs to effectively lead and operate in both Air Defense and Field Artillery Career Management Fields. ALC includes subjects for both section and platoon level.
Senior Leader Course (SLC) is a branch-specific course that trains NCOs the duties and responsibilities of a Sergeant First Class/Platoon Sergeant. SLC develops NCOs as they segue into the senior NCO level to lead platoon and company-size units. Training is built on experience gained in previous training and operational assignments for the Air Defense, Field Artillery, and Electronic Warfare Career Management Fields. Content for SLC includes subjects for both platoon and battery level operations.
Leaders it is imperative you continue to apply safety measures in a COVID-19 environment. Employ additional measures traveling to the Fort Sill/Lawton Ok area. Protective measures of face mask wearing and physical distancing will be enforced IAW Fort Sill policy. Again, congratulations on your attendance, we are committed to doing our absolute best to prepare you for leading our great Soldiers.
The Fort Sill Noncommissioned Officer Academy was established on 5 Feb. 1959 with Lt. Col. Morehouse as the first commandant. The first pilot course began in April and in May the first 22 students graduated. The first expansion of the program of instruction was in 1963 with the development of the Leadership Preparation Course, a 2-week course in leadership.
By 1971, the academy was responsible for the Noncommissioned Officer Academy, the Leadership Preparation School, Instructor Training Course, and the Drill Sergeant School. Due to the diverse missions for which the academy was responsible, the name was changed to the Fort Sill Institute.
In March 1973, Command Sgt. Maj. Lewis became the first enlisted commandant of the institute. The Primary Noncommissioned Officer Course for Combat Arms was started in October 1975. In May 1977, only Noncommissioned Officer Courses were being taught at the institute and the name was changed to the Fort Sill Noncommissioned Officer Career Development Center.
On 1 July 1987, the Noncommissioned Officer Education System Battery was consolidated with the Noncommissioned Officer Academy and renamed as the U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer Academy at Fort Sill. The NCOA trained NCOs to be trainers and leaders of the Soldiers who will work and fight under their supervision and to improve the unit’s collective mission proficiency.
In 2005, the Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) was changed to the Warrior Leader Course (WLC) to focus on the warfighting skills required of today’s junior NCO to meet the needs of the Global War on Terror. On 1 Oct. 2008, the Master Gunner Course was re-aligned under the FA School. In 2016, WLC became the Basic Leader Course (BLC), better aligning with NCO 2020 and greater emphasis and enlisted leader education.
In 2006, the Field Artillery NCOA began the BRAC integration process and the Air Defense Artillery NCOA moved from Fort Bliss, Texas to Fort Sill to join forces and become the “Fires Center of Excellence” NCOA. On 16 Aug. 2009, the first ADA Advanced NCO Course (ANCOC) and Basic NCO Course (BNCOC) classes were conducted at Fort Sill under the newly established Fires Center of Excellence USANCOA. On 1 Oct. 2009, ANCOC and BNCOC were re-designated as Advanced Leader Course (ALC) and Senior Leader Course (SLC). On 1 Oct 2010, the First Sergeant Course was eliminated and that course material was incorporated as part of the Senior Leader Course.
Today’s Fort Sill NCOA has transformed to support an Army at war and the skills necessary for the NCOs of the future. Graduating as many as 2,900 NCOs annually, we conduct BLC, ALC, and SLC. We stand ready and committed to excellence in training of the NCO corps.