Noncommissioned Officer Academy

The Fort Sill Noncommissioned Officer Academy develops agile, adaptive, and resilient leaders capable of meeting the challenges of unified land operations in an era of persistent conflict by educating junior NCOs in leadership and war fighting, as well as individual and team training.
Advanced Leader Course
ALC is the second course to success in the Noncommissioned Officer Education System. The purpose of ALC is to develop Noncommissioned Officers to be tactically and technically proficient at skill level three; and to train, lead, and fight at the section level. The course focuses on leadership assessment and development. Refer to "NCO Career Development Models", January 1996 Edition, prepared by HQ TRADOC, for recommended reading prior to attending ALC. All students receive the following common leader training during their Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) course:
Field Artillery Mission, Roles and Organization
Branch History and Heritage (Includes Writing a Essay Paper)
Apply the Ethical Decision-Making Method at Small Unit Level (Vignette Discussion included)
Contemporary Operating Environment
Cultural Awareness (Includes Writing a Essay Paper)
Objective Based Training & Education (OBT&E) Teaching Methodology
Decision-Making and Adaptive Leader Development (VEILS)
Common Leader Combat Skills (CLCS)
ALC Welcome Letter
All ALC students must bring a completion certificate from the Commanders Safety Course on the following website with them to in-processing: (
Click on "Self Development" in the ATRRS Channels Directory
Type "Commanders Safety Course" in title search blocks
Click "Search" then click "Register"
There are no barracks available to ALC students on Fort Sill. All students TDY ensure you make reservations for lodging prior to your arrival call Fort Sill Lodging (580) 442-5000
If you qualify for GWOT bring your orders validating GWOT status
Privately owned Weapons are NOT authorized.
Complete Class A Uniform (Army Greens or ASU) are now required for ALC
*No student is authorized the use of their Privately Owned Motorcycle for the duration of their assignment to the Academy, unless spicific permission is granted by the Commandant.
Mailing Address
While you are attending this course, your address is as follow:
SSG Joe Snuffy
5676 Ferguson Rd.
Aultman (or Allen) Hall, Room #
Fort Sill, OK 73503
Personal Appearance
Each student must strive to acquire and maintain the high personal and professional standards that are indicative of all Noncommissioned Officers. Hair and uniform standards must be IAW AR 670-1. All items of clothing and equipment must be serviceable and clean.
Student Conduct
The conduct of student personnel and their customs and courtesies must equal the prescribed standards set forth by the Seven Army Values, Warrior Ethos, and appropriate regulations. Students must display courtesy, bearing, and project an appearance, which will bring credit to the service, and a sense of accomplishment and personal pride in themselves. High standards of conduct are basic to a good leader. The student’s off-duty conduct reflects on their training and respect for their chosen profession. Students are representatives of the NCO Academy and are expected to conduct themselves accordingly.
Vehicles registered at other DOD installations are also good here; those that are not should be temporarily registered at Building 1670. Soldiers must provide proof of insurance. Motorcycles are not authorized for use while attending an ALC, unless specific permission is granted by the Commandant. If you ride a motorcycle on Fort Sill, you must wear a helmet with face shield or goggles, reflective vest, gloves, long sleeve outer garment, long pants, and leather footwear at all times. Motorcycle operators must also have proof of attendance at the Department of Transportation’s Motorcycle Defensive Driving Course (DDC).
Honor Graduates
Will receive an "Exceeded Course Standards" on their Academic Evaluation Report, DA Form 1059 and will consist of those students, not to exceed 20% of the class, who meet or exceed all of the following criteria:
Demonstrate Army Values throughout the course.
Achieve 92% or greater on each exam.
Receive 1st time "Go’s" on all events.
Have no adverse counseling; this includes never being late to formations.
Complete all physical training runs and tactical road marches with the unit.
Students previously released from courses for disciplinary, motivational, or academic reasons are not eligible. Exceptions may be granted, by the Commandant, to students who have been dropped from the course for administrative reasons, (i.e. medical, emergency leave, etc.), if that drop occurred PRIOR to their first exam.
Distinguished Honor Graduate
(Limited to one per class). The Distinguished Honor Graduate is the student who through performance and evaluation is rated as the best in the class. The distinguished honor graduate must meet all the criteria for Honor Graduate and have the highest academic average in the class, 95% or higher.
Commandant's List
Must meet all the criteria for Honor Graduate, however score 90% or higher on each exam.
Commandant's Leadership Award Winner
(Limited to one per School). The Commandant's Leadership Award Winner is the ONE student chosen by his peers, and approved by a board of Cadre, as the one who possessed and demonstrated those attributes most expected of a leader. Individual must achieve all 1st time "Go’s" in all areas throughout the course, have no adverse counseling, earn and receive a "Superior" rating in Leadership, Block 14 of the DA Form 1059, and be selected by peers. Nominations will come from the student chain of command to the Small Group Leader. While academics are critically important, the ultimate mission of the Noncommissioned Officer Academy is to produce technically and tactically proficient "LEADERS". Leadership is the most powerful and important combat multiplier, and its effect will be felt from the first battle to the last. The following procedure will be used to determine the Commandant's Leadership Award Winner:
1. Student chain of command will solicit nominations from students.
2. Each SGL will submit to the School 1SG, the name of one individual who the student chain of command nominated.
3. The School 1SG will conduct a board using leadership as the major focus. The School 1SG will then combine the board results (board evaluation and student input) to determine the Leadership Award Winner.
Hyperlinks provided below contain documents needed for Fort Sill Advanced Leader Course NCOA:
ALC Welcome Letter
Essay Paper Guidelines
Fort Sill ALC Packing List
NCO Support Channel POC List
The following requirements can be referenced in AR 351-1, DA PAM 351-4, and TRADOC Reg 351-10. Students must meet the following criteria to be acceptable into the course.
All NCOES Schools
1. Have six months service remaining after graduation of course (2 years for ARNG and Reserve)
2. Personnel with permanent profiles must present a valid DA Form 3349 with MMRB results (completed with 3 Medical Doctor signatures, and Unit Commander recommendation) on the in-processing day.
3. Prior arrangements (approval with Unit Commander and Commandant NCO Academy) must be coordinated to re-admit students who have been previously released for academic, disciplinary, or motivational reasons. See AR 351-1, chapter 3-14.
4. Soldiers who hold a temporary profile, except for shaving, or non-performance deterring profiles. (call the Academy)
Temporary profile exceptions: Commanders may send Soldiers with temporary profiles due to participation in OIF/OEF. Soldiers must arrive with a copy of their temporary profile and a memorandum bearing the Commander’s signature, stating the profile exists as a result of injuries during participation in OIF/OEF. The Soldier will train within the limits of their profile.
5. Over 40 must complete medical screening under the CVSP (Standard Form 88, Standard Form 93, and supporting documents) and have copy of screening report with EKG results.
6. All students 30 years of age and older must have a current Physical Health Assessment (PHA) and Permanent Profiles updated within the last year.
7. The following CMF’s require a valid/current secret security clearance; 13F30, 13J30, 17E30, and all ADA MOSs. This must be reflected on a DA form 1610 or a memorandum signed by the S2 NCOIC/OIC and reflected on your SRB on day zero report day.
8. COMMANDERS AND SCHOOLS NCOs: Do not schedule return flights prior to 1700 on the day of graduation.
ALC Prerequisites
1. Active Army or Reserve Component enlisted Soldier who meets enlistment requirements.
2. Selected by HRC (Active Army) or selected by appropriate promotion authority for Reserve Component.
3. Be a SGT(P) or SSG and have completed SSD2, however local walk on students may be excepted if slot is available
4. Qualified in his/her MOS.
5. Those Soldiers over 40 must complete required medical screening and receive final status prior to attending. (see TRADOC Reg 350-10, paragraph 2-6)
6. Meet requirements outlined in AR 350-1, TRADOC Reg 351-10, and TRADOC Reg 350-18.
7. Must have Pre-Execution Check List IAW TRADOC Reg 350-18, appendix H.
All NCO's prior to traveling need to verify their individual course prerequisites listed in ATRRS with their schools NCO prior to departing home station.
All students should report to Building 3661 (ALC Office) between the hours of 0900 and 1630 hours in ACUs on the Report Date. After 1630 hours on weekdays and weekends, report to Building 3662 Staff Duty NCO, and ask for the POC for your MOS. Weigh-in will begin at 0530 on the following day in building 3661 in PFU.
ALC Inprocessing
Bring the following for inprocessing, and have these items available when you report:
- DD93/SGLI paperwork (updated within 30 days)
- Your TDY orders (minimum 10 copies)
- A copy of your ERB (PQR for ARNG).
- Verification of promotable status or Promotion Orders if SFC.
- The following CMF’s require a valid/current secret security clearance; 13F30, 13J30, 17E30, and all ADA MOSs. This must be reflected on a DA form 1610 or a memorandum signed by the S2 NCOIC/OIC and reflected on your SRB on day zero report day.
- Medical Records (not required but recommended)
- A copy of your permanent profile with MMRB results if you have one
- Physical Health Assessment (PHA) must be within the last year.
- A copy of Over 40 medical screening, CVSP (If applicable) and EKG results.
- A leave form signed by your commander if you desire to take leave after the course. We will not approve leave for students contingent upon emergencies as determined by the Commandant.
- If TDY Enroute, you must have a leave form signed by your losing unit for leave from the time graduating until reporting to gaining unit.
- All documentation for your POV, if driving.
- Pen, Pencil, and note pad.
- All items required by Appendix H, TRADOC Reg 350-18.
Do I have my pre-execution checklist (TR 350-18, Appendix H) completely filled out and signed by the commander with supporting documents (a requirement)?
Do I have an updated DD93/SGLI?
Do I have my ERB/PQR (ARNG) (a requirement)?
Do I have my medical records (if from an installation other than Fort Sill)? (optional)
Do I have my permanent profile, completed and signed with MMRB results?
Do I have a copy of my Over 40 medical screening with EKG results?
Do I have at least 10 copies of my orders (even if you are stationed at Fort Sill)?
If recently promoted do I have a copy of my promotion orders?
Have I drawn my per-diem/travel pay for the course length or have a government credit card?
Do I have a security clearance (is it on my DA Form 1610, or a clearance verification memorandum?*
Do I have my leave form?
Do I have all my basic issue uniforms, w/patches, clean, and serviceable?
Do I have all documents for my POV?
Does my insurance cover my POV in Oklahoma?
Is my POV in good safe mechanical condition?
Are my personal finances in order?
Have I taken care of all personal problems?
Have I made arrangements for my family?
Do I need a power of attorney?
Do I need a change of rater NCOER?
Do I need to sub-hand/hand receipt any equipment?
Do I have the address, phone numbers and email addresses to the Brigade, Battalion Command Sergeants Major and the 1SG in my NCO Support Channel?
NCOA Headquarters: (580) 442-2417
Commandant: (580) 442-3141
Deputy Commandant: (580) 442-3141
1SG ALC: 580-442-8480
Administrative Assistant: 580-442-2417
Fort Sill NCOA Staff Duty: 580-695-2816