Casualty Assistance Center

To provide an increased level of support and technical expertise to the family members of the fallen.
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4700 NW Mow-Way Rd, Suite 140 / RM 143N, Fort Sill, OK 73503-9019
0730-1630 (Central Time) Monday through Friday) / 1000-1200 (Central Time) Sat/Sun/Holidays
Funeral Honors:
DSN Prefix: 639
Casualty Assistance Officers:
CAC Chief:
580-442-0291Line of Duty:
Mortuary Affairs:
Benefit Coordinator:
580-442-4627After Hours (On-Call 24/7 - Emergencies Only):
Cell: 580-512-6178General FAX Number:
580-442-6914Veterans Crisis Line:
1-800-273-8255Lawton VA Center:
580-351-6511Red Cross:
877-272-7337Fort Sill Red Cross:
580-558-2132Post Cemetery:
580-442-2731Fort Sill National Cemetery (Elgin, OK):
580-492-3200Air Force Military Honors: 1-800-531-5803
Tinker AF Base: 405-734-4226Vance AF Base: 580-213-6468
Sheppard AF Base: 940-676-4984
Altus AF Base: 580-481-1526
Arkansas Air Force: 501-987-6317
Marine Honors:
1-866-826-3628Navy Honors:
904-542-1536Coast Guard Honors:
Report the Death of a Retiree
How to request DD Form 214
Military Retiree Preparation Checklist
Fort Sill Form 733 (PDF Format)
Fort Sill Form 733 (Word Format)
CNO/CAO CY24 Training Schedule
CNO/CAO CY25 Training Schedule
Memorial Ceremony Instruction
Gold Star Family Member Installation Access Request
Benefit Agencies and Mailing Address
Military Funeral Honors Directory 2021
CAO/CNO Online Training Instructions
How to request a Headstone or Marker
Retired Soldier Casualty Assistance Checklist
Retired Soldier Handbook