Retirement Services Office (RSO)

Mission Statement
The Retirement Services Office (RSO) counsels and assists active duty Soldiers, Retirees, widows, widowers, survivors, and Family members from all branches of service concerning rights, benefits, and entitlements. Pre-retirement Orientation and Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) briefings are also conducted for Soldiers and Family members to attend. Annually Fort Sill hosts a 3 day Retiree Appreciation Day (RAD) event open to all branches of service. You are encouraged to write, call, or visit the Retirement Service Office whenever the need arises.
Address, Hours of Operation, Phone
BLDG 4700 Mow-Way Road
Suite 123N
Fort Sill, OK 73503
(580) 442-2645
Hours: M-F 0830-1130/1230-1600
Closed: Tuesdays Mornings from 0830-1130 (Admin Work)
Closed: Wednesday Afternoons from 1230-1600 (Training)
Closed: Federal Holidays
- Process retirement applications for forwarding to Human Resources Command
- Coordinate attendance at retirement ceremonies
- Conduct detailed monthly Pre-retirement Orientation Briefings (highly encourage spouses to attend)
- SBP group briefings for all retiring Soldiers and their spouse (mandated by law)
- Counsel Soldiers and Family members on retirement rights, benefits, and privileges
- Assist retiring Soldiers and Family members in completing the DD Form 2656 (Data for Payment of Retired Personnel)
- Counsel survivors of retired Soldiers and survivors of Soldiers who die on active duty on their SBP options and entitlements and processing procedures for their SBP elections, including counseling on Department of Veterans Affairs Dependency and Indemnity Compensation and its relationship to SBP
- Publish annual Retiree newsletter
- Conduct annual Retiree Appreciation Days
- Provide filing assistance for the “Annuities for Certain Military Surviving Spouses” (ACMSS), also known as “Forgotten Widows”
- Provide assistance to Soldiers, spouses, and former spouses regarding the Uniformed Services Former Spouse’s Protection Act (USFSPA)
- Advise retired Soldiers in understanding and applying for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC)
- Provide information to retired Soldiers on Concurrent Retirement and Disability Payments (CRDP)
- Assist retired Soldiers and Family members in obtaining copies of lost documents (i.e., DD Form 214, retirement orders, and medical records); reissuance of military awards; issuance of military ID cards
- Provide retired Soldiers and their Families information and referrals on a myriad of other benefits/entitlements, including Veterans Affairs, TRICARE medical/dental; Social Security/Medicare benefits; and others
- Viewing retired Soldier’s pay account
- Viewing annuitant’s pay account
- Assisting with allotment changes
- Assistance with change of beneficiary information
- Update mailing addresss
- Assist with change of bank information
- Change tax filing and withholding status
- Request copies of the 1099-R from for tax filing purposes
- Request copies of the Retired Account Statement
Upcoming Date: This year's RAD is scheduled for September 18, 2025, followed by a luncheon at the Patriot Club on the 19th of September 2025
*Note: Recommended that Retirees bring their Spouses
May 2, 2023 | June 6, 2023 | July 5, 2023 |
August 1, 2023 | September 5, 2023 | October 3, 2023 |
November 7, 2023 | December 5, 2023 |
All ceremonies will be held at the Old Post Quadrangle (OPQ) the alternate site for inclement weather will be the Rhinehart Fitness Center.
Retirees will have to attend mandatory dress rehearsal on the day of the ceremony and will need to report one hour prior to the start of the ceremony to check in and receive final instructions
Installation retirement ceremonies will be conducted on the following dates, times, and locations for FY25
DTG | Primary Location | Inclement Weather Location |
211400NOV24 | Old Post Quadrangle | Rinehart Fitness Center |
311400JAN25 | Old Post Quadrangle | Rinehart Fitness Center |
281400MAR25 | Old Post Quadrangle | Rinehart Fitness Center |
251400APR25 | Old Post Quadrangle | Rinehart Fitness Center |
301400MAY25 | Old Post Quadrangle | Rinehart Fitness Center |
271400JUN25 | Old Post Quadrangle | Rinehart Fitness Center |
251400JUL25 | Old Post Quadrangle | Rinehart Fitness Center |
191400SEP25 | Old Post Quadrangle | Rinehart Fitness Center |
Ceremony Photo Galleries