Congratulations on your assignment to the United States Marine Corps Artillery Detachment, the Corps' home of field Marine artillery. We are pleased to welcome you and your family and we are certain you will find your time at the professional home of Marine artillery to be both challenging and professionally rewarding. Since 1952, Fort Sill has been the center of artillery training for both officer and enlisted Marines, and our Marines have established a firm legacy of outstanding academic performance and superb instruction. Not only does the school provide for the educational and professional development of all enlisted Marines, officer, and warrant officer artillerists, we are also deeply connected to the Fleet Marine Force, providing instructional advice, guidance, and updates to doctrine, TTPs and to incorporate lessons learned.

To be sure, we believe in taking care of our people and we see leadership as service to our Marines and sailors as our primary mission as officers and SNCOs. We take great pride in how we receive our newly joined Marines and their families regardless of grade or Military Occupational Specialty. We also take great pride in what we do on a daily basis…from the knowing our jobs, policing and beautification of our areas and workspaces, to the appearance of our Marines, and how we conduct ourselves on liberty, in the field, or in the classroom. Our Marines take a genuine pride look after one another.

We are excited to have you joining the Marine artillery family. Also, please be sure to take an active interest in the U.S. Field Artillery Association now while it is convenient to do so. I would encourage you to take full advantage of your instructors as they are the best we can provide you. Never miss an opportunity to ask questions, provide us critical feedback on how to improve how we do what we do and take ownership of your new community.

Reporting instructions

Inbound (PERMANENT PERSONNEL) New joins must bring the following upon reporting: Detaching endorsement, web orders, flight itineraries, and zero balance itemized receipts if claiming temporary lodging expenses near the old or new PDS. If you are reporting in during working hours (M-F, 0730-1630), you must check in wearing service alphas to 759 McNair Road Fort Sill OK, 73503. If you report in after working hours, you will check in with the duty at the Marine Barracks building 912 located on Randolph and Donnely Rd, Fort Sill OK and check in in Alphas the next working day.

Inbound (STUDENTS)
Accession Students:
If you are a Marine in the accession pipeline (coming from bootcamp/MCT) and are attending your Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) School, you will check in in Service Alphas to the duty at the Marine Barracks building 912 located on Randolph and Donnely Rd, Fort Sill OK. Bring your orders and Service Record Book (SRB). Upon arrival you will receive your barracks room and further instructions for check in completion. Applies to Active and Reserve Marines. Duty POC: 580-458- 9742/580-442-8650.

Temporary Additional Duty (TAD):
If you are a student attending an Advanced Course, you will make liaison with your instructor. Turn in your orders to your instructor and your instructor will bring them to S1 for reporting. Additional entitlements such as Family Separation Allowance (FSA) or DTS assistance must be completed in the S1. Detaching Orders will be distributed the week of graduation. Applies to Active and Reserve Marines. Duty POC: 580-458-9742/580-442-8650.

Officer Students:
If you are here to attend Marine Artillery Officer Basic Course, Target Acquisition Officer Basic Course or Captains Career Course you will check in in service Alphas at S1, Building 759 McNair Road Fort Sill OK 73503. You will need your orders, all travel receipts, and Officer Qualification Record (OQR). Applies to Active and Reserve Marines. Duty POC: 580-458-9742/580-442-8650

Congratulations on your assignment to the United States Marine Corps Artillery Detachment, the Corps' home of Marine Field Artillery. We are pleased to welcome you and your family and we are certain you will find your time at the professional home of Marine artillery to be both challenging and professionally rewarding. Upon receiving your orders, contact the command sponsor at 580-919-6390. We are excited to have you joining the Marine artillery family

Phone Numbers

  • Enlisted Gunnery SNCOIC / MAOCC Course Chief: 580-442-1877
  • Senior C2 Analyst: 580-442-1877
  • MCFAFCMC Course Chief: 580-442-6282
  • Forward Observer / Fire Support Section
  • Sensors Section
  • RADAR Section
  • Electronic Maintenance Section

Phone Numbers

  • Target Acquisition OIC (O) 580-442-8649 / (DSN) 312-639-8649
  • Target Acquisition SNCOIC (O) 580-442-6616 / (DSN) 312-639-6616
  • MAEMC SNCOIC (580) 442-6616 / (DSN) 639-6166
  • MAEMC Instructors (580) 442-6616 / (DSN) 639-6616
  • RADAR Instructions (580) 558-1097 / (DSN) 495-1097
  • Sensor Support SNCOIC (580) 558-1098 / (DSN) 495-1098
  • Sensor Support Inst. (580) 442-4144 / (DSN) 639-4144