31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade
"Ready and Vigilant"

Family Resources
31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA):
The FRSA’s main objective is to provide the commander, Family Readiness Liaison (FRL), and Family Readiness Group (FRG) Leader with administrative assistance in support of family readiness programs and activities.
Bottom line – the FRSA is here to help you as a family member or Soldier.
You can contact them and they will connect you to your Family Readiness Group and all the great events and resources that are here for you!
31st ADA Brigade FRSA
Bonnie Jones
Office: (580) 558-0827
Cell: (580) 606-8562
Family Readiness Group:
The Family Readiness Group (FRG) is an officially command-sponsored organization of family members, volunteers, and Soldiers belonging to a unit, that together provide an avenue of mutual support and assistance, and a network of communications among the family members, the chain of command, and community resources. FRGs help create a climate of mutual support within the unit and community. Basic FRG goals include supporting the military mission through provision of support, outreach, and information to family members. FRGs play an integral part in the Family and Soldier Readiness System (FSRS).
Contact your FRSA to get linked up with your FRG – they are here for YOU!
Military and Family Life Counselor:
Military and family life counselors (MFLC) provide short term non-medical, situational problem-solving counseling to Soldiers and their families. Phone (580)919-7779
Army Family Team Building Training Courses:
Army Family Team Building is an educational training program. Learn about Army life – from the basics to becoming a leader in your community! This training takes a building-block approach and will benefit the whole family.
Contact your FRSA to find the next AFTB class!
Military OneSource:
This resource supplements existing installation services, provides free help and information, by phone with a professionally trained consultant or online, on a wide range of issues that affect you and your family -- from budgeting and investing to relationships and deployment. It's available whenever you are -- 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Whether you're single or married, a parent or not a parent, Military OneSource can help with the issues that are important to you. For service members and families who live far from military installations, Military OneSource is especially useful. No problem is too big -- or too small. If we don't know the answer, we'll find it.
Military OneSource also provides free counseling services (up to 12 sessions per person, per issue), face-to-face in the local community, by telephone, and online.