DOTD Divisions
"Directorate of Training and Doctrine"

The Fires Center's Directorate of Training and Doctrine will focus primarily on development of ADA and FA doctrine, joint doctrine, training instruction, training support materials, collective training, new capability training strategies, and lessons learned. The DOTD will plan, coordinate and execute actions for the Fires CoE while the FA and ADA branch schools within the CoE will continue to be the proponents for their respective fires integration.
Some specific functions of the DOTD will include serving as the center's and branch schools' staff proponent for operations, individual and collective training and doctrine development, and new capabilities training strategies development and fielding support.
The combined DOTD also will be responsible for designing the branches' simulations, simulators and training devices from developing the requirements document through fielding these training tools to units or training facilities. Once fielded, those in the schools become the responsibility of the two school brigades to execute training.
Provide operations, security, administration, logistics, contracting, and digital support to the directorate.
Coordinate with multiple internal and external agencies to synchronize Fires modernization efforts with the Directorate of Training and Doctrine (DOTD) with emphasis on Fires Doctrine, Institutional and Operational Training, and Leader Development domains of DOTMLPF-P.
A high performing team of dedicated professionals committed to the seamless integration of capabilities and initiatives that directly enable the Fires Warfighting Function in support of Large-Scale Combat Operations.
Continually strive to provide the best training support products to ensure Fires Soldiers and Leaders possess the skills and knowledge to think critically and independently to achieve victory in a decisive action environment.
Produce mission-focused, outcomes-based individual training and education products; coordinate training support products for Soldiers in the institutional, operational and self-development training domains; serves as the Training Developer for new FA systems.
Develop, produce and maintain training and education products for enlisted Air Defense Soldiers in the institutional, operational, and self-development training domains. Provide advice and guidance to support the development of training products for new and evolving Air Defense systems. Monitor the status of ADA training scenarios and convert training scenarios from old to new versions. Act as the single point of contact for training information on ADA MOSs.
Ensure that enlisted Air Defense Soldiers receive timely and relevant training on AMD systems.
Develop relevant and current Fires, Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery doctrine. Incorporate lessons learned during operations to support the Fires warfighter across the DOTMLPF domains.
Bridge the gap between doctrine and lessons learned so that current tactics, techniques and procedural doctrine is published and available for the warfighter.
Key Tasks:
Develop relevant doctrine for the Fires force.
Collect observations, insights and lessons learned and incorporate them into doctrine.
Integrate Fires doctrine into other proponent doctrinal publications
Arm the Fires Soldier with the most current and relevant doctrine in order to accomplish their missions.
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned Branch mission is to research, develop, edit, prepare, and maintain relevant lessons, doctrine, and training documents which impact doctrine, organizations, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF). Products will recommend and effect changes to DOTMLPF or other aspects of Air Defense and Field Artillery operations and reverse negative trends. Additionally, the LL and support branch collects, processes, analyzes, maintains and distributes LL; field observations; tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs); after action reviews (AARs); and other critical operational information from Army and Joint operations and collective training events to enhance intelligence institutional and combat effectiveness. The branch maintains a comprehensive web page of available products and information.
Questions/Contact the branch at their web page:
The Officer Education System Division continuously executes program management of all Fires officer/warrant officer training and education to provide the best trained Fires leaders to the force.
Continue to provide the best trained leaders to the force. Continue to look at ourselves and our products to ensure the highest quality is maintained.
Key Tasks:
Execute a cyclic process of course revision in conjunction with the staffs of the 428th Field Artillery and 30th Air Defense Artillery brigades to ensure current and accurate lesson plans in accordance with the Army learning model.
Input Training Requirements Analysis System (TRAS) documents into Training Development Capability (TDC) and submit to TRADOC on time and to standard.
Support the FA and ADA enlisted divisions with the development of System Training Plans (STRAP) and Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, Simulations (TADSS).
Participate in the determination of Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Facilities (DOTMLPF) impacts associated with the acquisition of New Equipment Training (NET).
Provide the highest quality training to Fires officers and warrant officers at Fort Sill. Ensure that every Lifecycle Program Manager (LPM) is intimately familiar with all the courses associated with his/her Area of Concentration/Military Occupational Specialty (AOC/MOS) and their life cycle status. Ensure that resource requirements are accurately documented in TRAS and submitted to TRADOC. Bottomline: Make Routine Things Routine
To support the FCoE by providing mission-focused, collective task-based training and education to the operational force. Maintain currency of the FA Gunnery Manual, and all FA and ADA Collective Tasks, Crew/Battle Drills, Combined Arms Training Strategies, Warfighter Training Support Packages and the Headquarters DA Standardized Mission Essential Task List. Support the fires force through updating the training ammunition requirements as reflected in DA Pam 350-38 Standards in Training Commission.
To be the DOTD lead and change agent for the FORSCOM Operational Force providing relevant collective training products and Training Ammunition support of Fires organizations.
Keys to Success:
1) Be responsive to the customer
2) Establish Priorities
3) Conduct Analysis, Design, Development and Evaluation on all products
4) Incorporate units in the development process
5) Conduct internal and external communications
Analyze, design and develop Combined Arms Training Strategies (CATS), Warfighter Training Support Packages (WTSPs), collective tasks and drills. Develop the Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) Mission Essential Task List (METL)
Develop collective training products to support the Operational Domain.
Conduct Mission Analysis
Conduct Collective Task Analysis
Develop Collective Training Products to support the Operational Domain
Participate in the Army METL Review Board (AMRB) Outputs
Combined Arms Training Strategies (CATS)
FA Gunnery Manual
HQDA Standardized METL
Unit Task List(s)
Warfighter Training Support Packages