Directorate of Emergency Services

Mission Statement
To plan, direct, and conduct first class law enforcement, installation access control, physical security, and fire and emergency services in order to provide a safe and secure environment for service members, families, civilians and visitors who comprise the Fort Sill community, while enabling a mission-ready Fires force.
Non DoD ID cardholders can now apply online for a Visitor Pass to Fort Sill. Click the link for more information.
Click the link for more information.
Automated Installation Entry (AIE) Visitor WebsitePrivately Owned Weapon Registration
Click the link for more information.
Privately Owned Weapons Registration LinkEmergency - Dial 911
Non-Emergency - (580) 442-2101 or (580) 442-2102
Mission Statement
The Emergency Communications Center provides quality and professional service to Fort Sill through facilitating communication between the community and public safety responders by delivering critical information with capabilities extending through all disciplines of emergency response.
The Emergency Communications Center (ECC) is the Primary Safety Answering Point for all 911 wireless and wireline emergency calls within the installation. This includes administrative lines, dispatching of Law Enforcement, Fire & Emergency Services, and Emergency Medical Services, and monitoring of automatic fire alarms. The ECC also has Text to 911 capabilities; remember, call if you can text if you can't.
Emergency - Dial 911
Police Non-Emergency - 442-2101/2102
Operations Officer (2025 Adams Rd) - 558-6802
Civilian Law Enforcement Officer (2025 Adams Rd) - 558-6802
NCOIC (2025 Adams Rd) - 558-6012
MP Desk (1649 Randolph Road) - 442-3374
Report Violations - 442-2102
Crime Stoppers - 355-INFO
K-9 Section (7290 Randolph Road) - 442-6349
Military Police Investigation (2025 Adams Rd) - 558-5711
Traffic Section (2025 Adams Rd) - 442-7797
Civilian Police Liaison (2025 Adams Rd) -558-6013
Bike Squad (2025 Adams Rd) - 558-6434
Support Requests
Requests for Military Police support of unit fuctions or training must e submitted on FS Form 104 through the Directorate of Plans Training and Mobilization (DPTM) 442-3605
Kennel Master (7290 Randolph Rd)
For command health and welfare support, or K-9 Demonstrations contact Kennel Master at (580) 442-4713
Emergency - Dial 911
Operations Branch (2025 Adams Road)– (580) 442- 5172/3016
Fire Prevention Branch (2025 Adams Road) – (580) 442-5911
Fire Station 1 (6041 Rothwell) 442-4905
Fire Station 2 (4914 Post Rd) 442-5314
Fire Station 3 (3500 Thomas) 442-4644
Fire Station 4 (1617 Randolph Rd) 442-4005
Spring Fire Safety
Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention Week
Fort Sill Reg 420-90
2025 Adams Road
Crime Prevention - 558-6028
Construction Review - 558-6533
Monday- Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Physical Security
Chief - 558-6527
Branch Manager - 558-6029
Inspectors / IDS Management - 558-6517
PS Inspector - 558-6028
PS Inspector - 558-6533
PS Inspector - 558-6955
ICIDS Maintenance - 442-6436
Visitor Welcome center
Supervisory Security Assistant - 442-9607
Lead Security Assistant - 442-9606
Security Assistant - 442-9602
Security Assistant - 442-9603
Security Assistant - 442-9605
Mission Statement
To assist the senior commander and Director of Emergency Services in all aspects of physical security and installation access screening through the Visitor Welcome Center, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all who work and live on Fort Sill.
Mission Tasks
Prepare the installation Physical Security Plan
Conduct Installation Physical Security Survey ( every 3 years)
Conduct Unit Physical Security Inspections
Conduct every 18 months for units with weapons and ammunition storage
Conduct every 24 months for all other organizations
Conduct courtesy unit Physical Security Inspections
Provide installation Physical Security Threat Assessment
Provide Physical Security/Crime prevention education, training, and programs to prevent, monitor and reduce crime
Provide Security review for new construction, renovations, structural modifications, and lease acquisition.
Provide Intrusion Detection System (IDS) management
Conduct background checks on all persons entering the installation
Register Weapons IAW Fort Sill regulations and AR 190-11
Provide information on all foreign visitors to Counterintelligence for transparency in operations
Ensure all visitors' questions and concerns are addressed in an accurate and professional manner
2025 Adams Road
Commander - 558-6014
First Sergeant - 558-6434
Training - 558-5472 / 5498
Kennel Master (7290 Randolph Rd) - (580) 442-4713
(If you have a law enforcement question, please call the Military Police Desk at 442-3374. If it is an emergency, please dial 911)
Mission Statement
The Military Police Detachment conducts Law Enforcement in Support of Fort Sill, Oklahoma and the Department of the Army and, on order, deploys Teams and Individuals in support of worldwide Military Police contingency operations.