14A Reclassification Course
"30th Air Defense Artillery"

Welcome 14A Air Defense Officer Reclassification Students and welcome to Air Defense Team! On behalf of the Air Defense Commandant, we would like to formally welcome you to the 14A Reclassification Course! You can review our vision, learning priorities, and initial in-processing instructions. This will facilitate your professional development & growth while attending this course.
The 14A Reclassification course will graduate technically & tactically proficient Leaders, across a broad range of Air Defense weapon systems & sensors, capable of employing critical & creative thinking in conjunction with doctrinal foundations. The intent of this course is to provide a brief 120-hour overview of all of the capabilities, limitations, and operational challenges inherent to the branch that an Air Defender may face in wide variety of complex & dynamic environments.
Learning Environment
Everybody learns differently; this class will be taught mostly in large groups and relies upon student participation to enhance the quality of the course. Everyone has a different experience in the United States Army, with students ranging in rank from first lieutenant to colonel, and all are value added to the class. Students should conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner, especially when in a collaborative environment. As Leaders, students are expected to set the example for those around them and this starts with participation.
Team work
It is encouraged for all students to work together—we succeed or fail as a team. Student working groups and study groups are encouraged within the bounds of the academic guidelines established in the ISAP.
Integrity and loyalty are key attributes that both cadre and the chain of command look for in students. All cadre exist to guide students through personal & professional issues to ensure the maintenance of a positive environment which fosters growth. Unprofessionalism will not be tolerated and may result in a negative course evaluation and, or removal from the course.
Although students will be subject to the unit and course mentorship programs, it is an individual responsibility to participate in these events. Unwillingness to participate may negatively reflect on your DA Form 1059.
All blocks of instruction and content are based around doctrinal foundations. Individual experiences are invaluable and a key element of the classroom environment.
Lastly, all Students are the custodians of the Profession of Arms; they Leaders in the US Army and are expected to conduct themselves accordingly. Like all training, cadre aim to prepare students to become agile and adaptive Leaders, capable of operating in complex environments as part of the staff or command team
Once you have travel orders (DA Form 1610) and a valid ATTRS reservation (DA Form 4187), do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Jordan D. Henrickson
ADCCC Manager
This course consists of 120 hours and is conducted over ten (10) days. The intent of the course is to produce Air Defense Officers (ADO) capable of positively developing both themselves and their subordinates; and who are confident in leading Soldiers and in providing Air Defense fires in support of their higher Commander's intent. This course is designed to prepare ADOs for positions in Air Defense Battery Commands, Air Defense and Air Management/Brigade Aviation Element (ADAM/BAE) Cells, or as Division/Corps AD staff officers. You will also be capable of serving as staff officers in Air Defense Artillery Battalions, Brigades, or Army Air and Missile Commands (AAMDC).
Process a DA Form 4187 through your local unit schools section to get a valid reservation in ATRRS (NOTE: Recommend completing this at least 90 days out from execution). There are only 25x slots in this class so only the first 25x students to apply will have valid reservation in ATRRS. However, we can teach up to 40x students (capped due to student-instructor ratio and resource limitations). The remaining 15 will have a wait list status in ATRRS but will be admitted into the course.
Use your ATRRS reservation or waitlist status to process your DD Form 1610, travel orders in DTS (NOTE: Recommend completing this at least 45 days out from execution). Lodging is provided by the course, but only for students with a valid ATRRS reservation. Students on a waitlist status must have their unit fund and reserve their lodging; lodging for waitlisted personnel will not be funded or reserved through FCOE. Approximately one week prior to your course start date the Fort Sill hotel will receive your information and book you a room. You may contact the Fort Sill hotel directly at 1-580-355-4475 for more information, just make sure to have your course information available. Do not call the hotel prior to one week from your course start date; the hotel will not have your information and will likely reserve a room for you but at your expense. If you need to call the hotel, do not let them reserve your lodging under a general booking; the school reserves a block of rooms so students will not have to pay for lodging. You will receive lodging either on post or off post depending on availability; regardless of where you stay, it will be under the 14A Reclass Course reservation.
Per Diem
Meal cards are available for the course if requested. However, we recommend that you request per diem because this is an officer's course and the instructional hours often interfere with regular lunch times on Fort Sill.
Transportation to or from the schoolhouse is not provided or paid for by the FCoE for the 14A Reclassification Course; please note that local transportation is not provided. Classes are primarily located at Snow Hall, BLDG 730 but they can also be spread out across the Fort Sill footprint. We recommend that you coordinate for a rental car.
Additional Instructions
This course takes place in a classroom environment; therefore, there is no need to draw or bring any type of CIF gear. However, you must bring OCPs to support training events.
The initial report location will be specified in a Welcome Letter. All applicable maps and resources are located on Fort Sill's webpage: https://sill-www.army.mil.
Travel safe, and we look forward to your attendance in the course.
Jordan D. Henrickson
ADCCC Manager