Inbound PCS Information
428th Field Artillery Brigade

Welcome to Fort Sill and the 428th Field Artillery Brigade!
Address428th Field Artillery Brigade Staff Duty
3410 Crane Road
Fort Sill, OK 73503
(580) 442-2803
428th Field Artillery Brigade Sponsorship Coordinator
SFC Vazquez, Ramon
(910) 479-0106
- Welcome Letter (PDF)
- Fort Sill Map (PDF)
- Personal Data Sheet (DOC) - ** Download the attached Personal Data Sheet and send to **

Upon arrival to Fort Sill, report to building 4700 Mow-Way Road, Welcome Center to sign in. POC is the Welcome Center duty desk, 580-442-3217.
Branch-Welcome Center, Building 4700, Monday - Friday, from 0730-1600.
Soldier must report to the Welcome Center, Building 4700, to pick up the installation in processing checklist and receive in processing instructions. No appointment is required. The unit sponsor is responsible for escorting the new Soldier to the various agencies and activities for in processing. Soldiers must bring their personal military records, including medical, dental, and education records, permanent change of station (PCS) orders, and DA31 Leave Form.
LinksFort Sill Corvias -
Address5445 Greble Rd.,
Fort Sill, OK 73503
Phone: 580-581-2100
Fall in Love with Corvias (PDF)
Housing Reference Guide (PDF)
Nutritional Readiness
Physical Readiness
Sleep Readiness
Spiritual Readiness
AWC Class Schedule (JAN)
AWC Class Schedule (FEB)