Office of the Chief of Air Defense Artillery

Warrant Officer Information
"The most successful Warrant Officers are the ones who act as the unit Ombudsman -- for maintenance, logistics, personnel, and training. They understand the standards, procedures, and processes, and are tireless in pursuit of mission accomplishment. The best Warrant Officers are part of a vast professional and personal network that can be relied upon 24/7 to work issues. Their advice, recommendations, and counsel is unvarnished, and they are as at ease working with Privates and 2LT's as they are with CSMs and Generals.”
– LTG Karbler
Learn more about the different Warrant Officer careers ADA can offer:
140A Command and Control Systems Integrator
Supervises, coordinates, plans, and manages the operations and integration of the Joint Multi-Tactical Data Link (TDL) Architecture (MTA) associated with Army Air and Missile Defense mission command systems at both the operational and tactical level. At all echelons, advises commanders on joint TDL implementation, employment, capabilities, and integration for all Army mission command systems to include applicable crew certifications. Responsible for the maintenance and training of various Army Air Defense mission command systems to include hardware, software, and commercial off the shelf (COTS) systems that provide Situational Awareness (SA), Early Warning, and Air Space Management. At all echelons, serves as the Army Interface Control Officer (ICO), and may operate within a Joint Interface Control Cell (JICC) in roles starting at JICC Watch Officer up to the Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO). Can serve in other nominative positions Army wide with duties as instructors, career managers, staff positions in directorates, and when necessary, serve as detachment commanders.
140K - Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Systems Tactician
The Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Systems Tactician serves as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on the employment and operations Air & Missile Defense (AMD) systems. Serves as a Tactical Control Officer (TCO) at the battery level, a Tactical Director (TD) and Standardization Officer at the Battalion level and Air Defense Artillery Fire Control Officer (ADAFCO) and Standardization Officer at the brigade and Army Air and Missile Defense Command level. Monitor/Identify aircraft according to established procedures, initiate and monitor engagements of threat aircraft and missiles, and plan/develop air and missile defense designs in support of assigned/contingency missions. Advise the commander on capabilities and limitations of the AMD systems. Coach, teach, mentor and evaluate Soldiers in AMD system operating tactics, techniques, procedures, and Joint Kill Chain (JKC) functions Advises the commander on all tactical and technical considerations at all levels.
140L - Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Systems Technician
The Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Systems Technician serves as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on the employment and operations for the Air & Missile Defense (AMD) systems as an AMD System Support Technician. Plans and supervises the maintenance and logistical requirements/activities within an AMD unit. Monitors the AMD system and related support equipment to prevent, detect, diagnose, or repair operator error and/or system malfunctions. Serves to coach, teach, mentor and evaluate Soldiers in AMD system on maintenance procedures. You will evaluate the effectiveness of battery, battalion, and brigade maintenance programs. Manages the use and care of special tools and support equipment, oversees the utilization of The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS). Monitors and coordinates the installation of modifications to the AMD system. An Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Systems Technician implements proper safety and security procedures applicable to the operation and maintenance support of the AMD system. Advises the commander on all AMD technical considerations at all levels.