Office of the Freedom of Information Act
Our mission is to provide prompt and maximum release of
Department of Defense (DoD) records to the public unless requested
records are specifically exempt from mandatory public disclosure
under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act (PA).
FOIA was ratified by Congress in 1966 to give the American public
greater access to Federal Government records. The Electronic
Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996 expanded the
scope of the FOIA to include electronic records and require the
creation of "electronic reading rooms" to make records more easily
and widely available to the public. Most recently in December 2005,
Executive Order 13392, "Improving Agency Disclosure of
Information," reaffirmed that FOIA "has provided an important means
through which the public can obtain information regarding the
activities of Federal agencies" and requires Federal agencies to
make their FOIA programs "citizen-centered and results-oriented."
Hartell Hall,
Bldg. 4700 Mow-Way Road,
Suite G05/06
Fort Sill, OK 73503
Phone: 580-442-6172
Operating hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Closed U.S. federal holidays.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Who can file a FOIA request?
Answer:Any person can file a FOIA request, including U.S. Citizens, Foreign
Nationals, organizations, universities, businesses and state and local
governments. Federal employees may, as private Citizens, request records
under the FOIA. These requests must be prepared at their own expense
and on their own time. They may not use Government equipment, supplies
or postage.
Question: Can we ask questions under the FOIA?
Answer: The FOIA does not require Federal Agencies to answer questions,
render opinions or provide subjective evaluations. Requesters must ask for
existing records, such as those mentioned above.
Question: What needs to be in a FOIA request?
Answer: In your request, you must state your willingness to pay applicable fees. If you seek a fee waiver, provide a justification for such a waiver. Describe the
specific records you are requesting in enough detail so that they can be located with a reasonable amount of effort. Generally, a record is reasonably described
when the description contains sufficient file-related information (type of documents, title, subject area, date of creation, originator, etc.); or the request
contains enough event-related information (date and circumstances surrounding the event the record covers) to permit the conduct of an organized, non-
random search.
Question: How do I submit a FOIA?
Answer: A request can be submitted in writing, label your request "Freedom of Information Act Request" within the request letter and on the envelope to the
address as follows:
Administrative Services Division
Attention: AMIM-SIH-A (FOIA Official)
Bldg. 4700 Mow-Way Road, Suite G05/06
Fort Sill, OK73503
You can also submit your request via email: