13F Fire Support Specialist

Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion 78th Field Artillery

13F Class 24-23

Class 23/24-23 begin communications training with instruction given by our very own Tactical Communication instructors

Class 23/24-23 begin learning the fundamentals of Land Navigation. Land Navigation instills the groundwork of the 13F MOS by allowing the Soldiers the necessary skills of how to read and utilize a military map

Class 23/24-23 is introduced to doing Terrain Sketches. Terrain sketches are the framework for a 13F Forward Observer after occupying an Observation Post. It will enable them to provide quick determinations of enemy locations during day and night operations

Class 23/24-23 conducts their Polar Call for Fire testing in the simulator. This is their first graded Call For Fire event and will ensure they are ready to observe live rounds next week in the field.

Class 27-23 conducting simulated Calls for Fire in a simulator using their initial introduction into the Polar Call for Fire method.

Class 23/24-23 “Assassin Platoon” conducts a practice Grid simulation evaluation with direct cadre oversight, ensuring students are filling out their sheets correctly and following proper procedures.