434th Field Artillery Brigade

On Apr. 1, 2008, the 434th Field Artillery (FA) Detachment was activated at Fort Sill, Okla., to provide service and support to the 434th FA Brigade, operate, maintain, and support ranges and training sites, medical coverage, class V support, and Combat Lifesaver Certification for the training of the Army's newest warriors. The detachment's mission is to operate, maintain, and support ranges and training sites; provide ammunition support; provide instructor support to Basic Combat Training (BCT); and on order, expand the training base. On Apr. 17, 2007, the 434th FA Brigade was re-activated at Fort Sill as an Army training center responsible for the training of the Army's newest warriros. As the Army transforms to meet the challenges of the future, we can be certain that the 434th FA Brigade will continue to be the premier training center in the U.S. Army and transform volunteers into Soldiers who demonstrate the requisite character and values, possess a warrior spirit, and who can successfully contribute to their first unit of assignment.