Air Defense Artillery School
"The Official Homepage of the Air Defense Artillery Center and School"

Foreign Personnel Arrival Instructions
All incoming foreign liaison personnel, Military Exchange Program officers and enlisted personnel assigned for duty or attending training at the Fires Center of Excellence (FCOE) Fort Sill must first report to the International Student Division (ISD), Building 5690 Geronimo Road.
The ISD is responsible for all initial foreign personal in-processing and accountability for FCOE. All personnel arriving after 1600 hours Monday through Friday must make the ISD aware as soon as possible. The ISD does not conduct 24-hour operations.
The ISD coordinates with the Visitor Control Center for students to gain initial entrance onto Fort Sill. Personnel who have not contacted the ISD before arrival may have delayed access to the post for security reasons.
For more information or to make arrangements, call our office at 1-(580) 442-3322 or -0186 during duty hours.