Air Defense Artillery School
"The Official Homepage of the Air Defense Artillery Center and School"

Mission Statement
The Air Defense Artillery School trains and provides doctrinal support for air defenders across the globe in support of the integrated, modernized Army of 2030.
Vision Statement
Provide the Army and combatant commanders a flexible, adaptive, and tailorable air defense artillery force able to defeat the full range of threats across the spectrum of operations. Impress upon our allies and investors the true nature of our innovation in technology, advancements and reliability in and out of theater to meet the modernization needs of Army 2030.
Primary Lines of Effort
- The Air Defense Artillery School offers joint and combined air and missile defense (AMD) training through advanced individual training (AIT) for all air defense military occupational specialties (MOSs), officer training, and warrant officer training, and supports advanced leader training (ALC) and senior leader training (SLC) through the Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA).
- Army Medical Department (AMEDD) direct commissioning course training provides the operational force with well-trained and disciplined Soldiers who contribute immediately to their units of assignment.
- JCU - Through its newly developed Planner’s and Operator's Courses, the Joint Counter small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-sUAS) University (JCU), provides training on the latest technology and advancements to teach students the best possible ways to combat UAS threats.