Air Defense Artillery School
"The Official Homepage of the Air Defense Artillery Center and School"

Arrival Instructions
Basic Officer Leaders Course:
Must report to 2nd Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery at Building 1614 Randolph Road, and Room 212 to the Operation NCO. The contact information is 580-558-0594 during duty hours and 580-442-8091 after duty hours.
All other officers' students (PCC, CCC, and WOAC):
Must report to 2nd Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery at Building 1614 Randolph Road, Room 212 to the Operation NCO. The contact information is 580-558-0594 during duty hours and 580-442-8091 after duty hours
Advanced Individual Training or Reclassification:
This category of student will report to the Staff Duty NCO, Headquarters 30th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, 1611 Cardin Road, 24 hours a day, for in-processing and assignment to barracks. The duty phone number is 580- 442-2091 or DSN 639-2091.
Non-Commissioned Officers Academy Students:
Will report to building 3662 Swartz Road. In case of emergency, phone 580-442-2417/3141 or DSN 639-2417/3141.
Upon arrival to Fort Sill, report to building 1607 Battalion S-1.
IN-PROCESSING: Battery in-processing will take place on Day 1. Uniform for reporting for Day 1 is the ACU. ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 0830 on your class start date in order to expedite your in-processing. All students are encouraged to drive their Personally Owned Vehicles to Fort Sill. Personally Owned Vehicles will be parked in the Parking Lot located at the Bamford Dining Hall (Bldg 2755). Your in-processing will take place in Hopkins Hall (Bldg. 2760) in room 222.
After duty hours: Report to Bldg 1611, 30th ADA BDE Staff Duty NCO Building 1607 is located next to 30th ADA BDE Headquarters.
POC's & Emergency POC's:
Duty hours: C/1-56 ADA Orderly Room 580-442-4616
After duty hours: 30th ADA BDE SDNCO 580-442-2091
Billeting Housing/Finance info: Active Duty Officers are encouraged to arrange for billeting prior to the start of their course. The majority of active duty students in the Officer Education System (OES) prefer to live at Independence Place at Fort Sill at the following link:
National Guard Officers: Must report to IHG Inn at 5676 Ferguson Road, 580-442-5000, for lodging. Officers should call to verify lodging reservations. The IHG Inn is located at 5676 Fergusson Road. The phone number is 580-442-5000 or DSN 639-5000 or the fax is 580-442-7033.
Early Reporting instructions: Reservations for Official Government travelers (TDY, PCS and National Guard/Reserve) will be accepted 60 days in advance of the date of arrival. For all other categories, reservations will be accepted on a space available basis.
Officers must report to Unaccompanied Housing Office at 5676 Ferguson Road, 580- 442-5000, for lodging. Officers should call to verify lodging reservations. The IHG Inn is located at 5676 Fergusson Road. The phone number is 580-442-5000 or DSN 639-5000 or the fax is 580-442-7033. Reservations for Official Government travelers (TDY, PCS, National Guard/Reserve) will be accepted 60 days in advance of the date of arrival. For all other categories, reservations will be accepted on a space available basis.
Reservations held after 6 p.m. require a credit card guarantee. The office accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover credit cards.
Reservation information can be requested electronically directly via e-mail, telephone or fax.
Students are discouraged from bringing their dependents/family members to Fort Sill schools because support facilities are not available.
Students will be provided lodging accommodations on post if possible. Overflow will be accommodated through the lodging off post. Army overflow students will get a statement of non-availability from the office at 4700 Hartell Hall and return to IHG for authorization to seek accommodations in Lawton.
Post lodging may not be available for students that come earlier than their report date. Students must check out on the last day of school at the lodging desk. If you stay longer, you will pay the hotel cost for that day(s).
From I-44 :
take Exit 41 (Ft. Sill Key Gate). Once through the checkpoint, continue west on Sheridan Road. At Ft Sill Blvd and Sheridan Rd, turn right continue north on Ft Sill Blvd to Randolph Rd. Turn left onto Randolph Rd, continue west, 30th ADA Brigade Staff Duty is located in Bldg 1611 (across from Fort Sill MP Office).
From Sheridan Road (Bentley Gate):
Once through the checkpoint, continue north on Sheridan Road. At Ft Sill Blvd and Sheridan Rd, turn left continue north on Ft Sill Blvd to Randolph Rd. Turn left onto Randolph Rd, continue west, 30th ADA Brigade Staff Duty is located in Bldg 1611 (across from Fort Sill MP Office).
From Ft Sill Blvd (Scott Gate):
Once through the checkpoint, continue north on Ft Sill Blvd to Randolph Rd. Turn left onto Randolph Rd, continue west, 30th ADA Brigade Staff Duty is located in Bldg 1611 (across from Fort Sill MP Office).
Fort Sill’s One-Stop Soldier and Family Service Center is located in Building 4700 on Mow-Way Road. For driving instruction to this building click “HERE.”
If arriving at Fort Sill during below business hours, permanent party Soldiers need to report to Building 4700. (Use the east entrance under the awning.)
If reporting after business hours, you need to report to the Installation Operations Center (IOC) in Building 455 (McNair Hall) at the corner of McNair and Randolph Roads. (Use the southeast entrance (backside of building) and proceed into the basement.) For driving instructions to this building click “HERE.”
The Soldier Processing Branch is open Monday through Friday, 0730-1530 (CST), telephone number 580-442-3241. Inprocessing Soldiers should have the following items available to turn-in:
Military Personnel File (MPF)
Finance Packet
DA Form 31
Deployment PERSTEMPO Record
Promotion Packet, if applicable
Medical Records
Dental Records