
The Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC) is co-located with Behavioral Health. The SUDCC provides evaluation and treatment for Soldiers presenting problems related to substance abuse.
If the Soldier is with the 75th FA BDE, their SUDCC counselor is located at 3445 Kholer Loop and the phone is (580) 442-4678.
If the Soldier is with 31st ADA BDE, their SUDCC counselor is located at 3161 Hoskins Road and the phone is (580) 442-2836.
Soldiers from any other unit or other personnel, please go to the south entrance of Reynolds Army Health Clinic, go to the third floor and ask for a SUDCC counselor at the Behavior Health Clinic. Their phone number is (580) 558-8283.
Be sure to tell your SUDCC counselor about ALL substances you use so they can ensure that you receive the correct treatment
Enrollment Form
DA Form 8003