Risk Reduction Program (RRP)

The Risk Reduction Program (RRP) reduces high-risk behavior by Soldiers. This program was designed to help commanders maintain Soldier readiness and prevent high risk incidents. As part of the Army Resilience Directorate (ARD), readiness and resilience are critical elements of the RRP.
Risks reduction program specialists serve as subject matter experts who oversee the program's mission and objectives. They support the installation by providing command consultations, administering risk assessments to Soldiers, and developing action plans based on the needs of the population.
Train leaders in identifying and reducing high risk factors
Identify and target high risk behaviors for prevention
Promote Risk Reduction as a prevention strategy
Prevent unhealthy and destructive behaviors
Increase soldier and unit readiness
Risk reduction is a commander's program that visually presents unit risks in a target-like chart, called the "shot group" report which depicts the 15 risk factors. Often referred to as the “bullseye chart,” the report provides a picture of Soldier incidents and how they compare to high risk incidents across the Army.
Risk reduction specialists provide quarterly consultations to battalion and brigade commanders to discuss high risk Soldiers, overall unit risk, as well as a mitigation plan to support Soldier readiness and recommend response courses of action. The mitigation plan includes service information and points of contact from Fort Sill agencies who provide training, education, response care and treatment for Soldiers and their families.
Other tools used to assess Soldier risks are the unit risk inventories (URI) and re-integration risk inventories (R-URI) which are designed for active duty Soldiers and Soldiers returning from deployments. These self-report surveys allow Soldiers to identify challenges they may be having. The survey is completely anonymous, but provides an overall picture of unit needs. The RRPC then provides an action plan with resources that may be helpful to the unit.
RRPS also provides training and education for Soldiers in Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Suicide Prevention, and leadership training on the Commander Risk Reduction Dashboard (CRRD). The CRRD is a special feature of the RRP, which empowers commanders to use historical data to more effectively support Soldier’s needs.
As a part of the community health promotion council (CHPC), RRPSs facilitate the installation prevention council (IPC) which is a special group of agencies related to the 15 Risk Factors and Soldier care. The IPC members meet on a quarterly basis to discuss risk at an installation level and develop courses of action for the CHPC board of directors, and the CHPC, the commanding general’s council meeting.
The RRP includes a variety of services including training, education, command consultations, leadership training on RRP tools and coordinating and supporting unit/ installation prevention events. The program is a great community asset for obtaining many services and resources across the Fort Sill installation. The overall goal is to support the Army mission by coordinating resources to increase healthy behaviors, decrease risks and support Soldiers in becoming more resilient in challenging environments.
The Command Risk Reduction Toolkit is available to Command Teams. For more information on how to access your CRRT account, please call (580) 442-1618/1644.