Drug Testing

The Drug Testing Coordinator (DTC) operates and monitors a forensically secure installation biochemical testing program control point, ensuring that all testing conforms to DA Policy and all pertinent regulations and directives. The DTC serves as the installation subject matter expert on urinalysis collection and testing.
The Army Drug Testing Program encompasses the Active Army, National Guard and the Army Reserve. The program is a command program, composed of the soldier, the commander, the Unit Prevention Leader (UPL), the Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) staff, the Forensic Toxicology Drug Testing Laboratories (FTDTL), the Medical Review Officer, and the Staff Judge Advocate. The program has three primary goals. First, to deter soldiers from abusing drugs (including illegal drugs and other illicit drugs). Second, as a tool for commanders to assess the security, military fitness, good order and discipline of their commands. Third, to serve as a basis to take appropriate action, adverse or other (including referral for treatment), with a soldier based on a positive test result.
For further information please call one of the following phone numbers: (580) 442- 5378 / 1707 / 4447 /4680.
In accordance with AR 600-85, Army Substance Abuse Program, drug abuse will not be tolerated and there are serious consequences for such misbehavior.
a. All soldiers, to include ARNG and USAR soldiers ordered to AD, under Title 10, U.S. Code, who are identified as drug abusers, without exception, will-
1. Be both referred to the Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC) and be enrolled in the two-day ADAPT course. (SUDCC is co-located with Behavioral Health. To register Soldiers for the next ADAPT course, call (580) 442-1644/1618.)
2. Be considered for disciplinary action under the UCMJ, as appropriate.
3. Be processed for administrative separation in accordance with AR 600-8-24 (for officers and warrant officers) and AR 635-200 (for enlisted personnel).
4. Discharge for misconduct under AR 600-8-24 or AR 635-200, as appropriate, will be initiated and processed to the separation authority for all soldiers involved in illegal trafficking, distribution, possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs. Soldiers will also be considered for disciplinary action under the UCMJ, consistent with Chapter 6, AR 600-85 and Rule for Courts Martial 306, MCM.
5. All ARNG and USAR soldiers ordered to AD will be tested for illegal drug abuse.
6. The ingestion of hemp seed oil or products made with hemp seed oil is prohibited and is tested for since July 2021. Soldiers showing positive on this test are charged with disobeying a lawful order
Per Army Directive 2016-15, commanders at every level will ensure random urinalysis testing at a rate of 10 percent of the assigned end strength each month. Soldiers not selected for random urinalysis during the first three quarters of each fiscal year will be tested during the fourth quarter (recommend September as your testing month) using the inspection other (IO) test basis code. Commanders should not use the unit sweep testing to meet this requirement.
TSmart Testing is defined as the process where biochemical testing is conducted in such a manner that it is not predictable to the testing population. Commanders must use an effective reliable random selection method to identify soldiers for testing. The DOD Drug Testing Program (DTP) software is the Army standard random selection method.
UPLs have the primary mission of assisting the commander in planning, implementing, and executing an outstanding unit level substance abuse program. This role must go beyond the execution of the unit level urinalysis program. While the UA is a vital part of the overall program and your role is critical to its success, there are many other aspects of your mission as UPL.
AW AR 600-85, 23 July 2020, Chapter 2-15b, Commanders of Corps, Divisions and Brigades will ensure Battalion Commanders appoint two officers or non-commissioned officers (E5 promotable or above) on orders as the Battalion prevention leader (BPL). Chapter 2-29c, Commanders of companies, detachments, and equivalent units will appoint an officer or NCO (E-5 or above) on orders as the Unit Prevention Leader and alternate Unit Prevention Leader.
The ASAP offers Unit Prevention Leader Certification, Recertification Courses and Quarterly Updates on a regular basis. For more information and to be enrolled please call one of the following phone numbers: (580) 442- 5378 / 1707 / 4447 /4680.