Education and Training

Drug and alcohol prevention and education: The Army Substance Abuse Programs’ prevention and training branch develops, establishes, administers and evaluates Army-wide alcohol and drug prevention, education and training programs. Fort Sill training programs meet their high standards. For more information call 442-1659/2016.
We provide commanders, unit prevention leaders, Soldiers, DA civilians, contractors and family members education and training to make informed decisions about alcohol and other drug use, to provide commanders the resources and tools to meet their annual four hours of alcohol and other drug awareness training as required by AR 600-85 and provide prevention tools to deter substance abuse.
Required 40-hour training for newly assigned unit prevention leader. Includes training on drugs and alcohol, biochemical testing and substance abuse prevention. For more information, call 580-442-4447/5378
Eight-hour training to bring unit prevention leaders up to date on the latest research, regulations and policy changes. UPLs must attend every 18 months to keep certification current. For more information, call 580-442-4447/ 5378.
A two-day class primarily for individuals who have had a recent alcohol or drug incident. This class is Army certified and will satisfy alcohol and drug education requirements imposed by civilian judges and probation officer's in most states. For more information, call (580-442-1644/1618)
We do present two-hour substance awareness presentations to multiple unit audiences at various locations. Attendance at these presentations will satisfy two of the required four hours for military personnel and the two hours required for civilian employee's annual substance awareness training. For more information, call (580-442-1644/1618)
For more information call (580) 442-1618/1644
Quarterly meetings with a unit’s UPLs. For more information, call 580-442-4447/2016