Army Multi-Domain Targeting Center Multi Domain Operations

Mission Statement
The Army Multi-Domain Targeting Center executes cross-domain, cross-warfighting function doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities and policy integration responsibilities for targeting; establishes Army targeting and joint fires standards and requirements; represents the Army at joint and multinational targeting and joint fires forums; and facilitates federated target development for the operational force to enable operational headquarters to meet joint targeting standards.
2014 - Army Lessons Learned Forum – Army assessed that staffs cannot effectively execute a Ground Force CDR’s intent for Joint Fires, Theater ISR, and Non-lethal Assets.
2015 - Training and Doctrine Command tasked the FCoE to conduct an Operational Targeting Study to identify gaps in Army targeting. They compared the Army's abilities against the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center and the Air Force Targeting Center, focusing on areas such as target intelligence; target validation; developing no-strike entities, and conducting collateral damage estimation. The conclusion was that Army did not meet DoD guidelines or JS standards for joint targeting training and certifications and did not resource Ground Force Commanders (GFC) with joint certified individuals or qualified crews.
The three recommendations from the study were to establish an Army targeting center, assign proponency over targeting matters to the Army [Fires] Center of Excellence, and conduct leadership education focused on targeting.
July 15, 2016 - CSA authorized FCoE CG as the DA Targeting Modernization Proponent with an initial Army Targeting Center (ATC) to identify way-ahead.
The Army Multi-Domain Targeting Center (AMTC) as it is currently known officially transitioned from the Army Targeting Center (ATC) in September 2017, with the evolving mission of addressing Army targeting doctrine, policy, and program oversight within the Army community. Since 2016 the AMTC morphed through a series of titles and name changes from the Joint and Combined Integration Directorate (JACI) and finally the Army Multi-Domain Targeting Center.
In 2018 the AMTC established the Army’s First DIA accredited Joint Intermediate Target Development Course (JITD); established the Army’s first NGA accredited Target Material Production Course (TMP), thus establishing the Army’s first and only dedicated joint targeting training pipeline.
Today's operational environment presents threats to the Army and joint force that are significantly more dangerous in terms of capability and magnitude than those we faced in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army and joint Force must adapt and prepare for large-scale combat operations in highly contested, lethal environments where enemies employ potent long range fires and other capabilities that rival or surpass our own.
If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking
Planning for the future shouldn't be postponed until the future arrives.
Managers tend to pick a strategy that is the least likely to fail, rather than to pick a strategy that is most efficient. The pain of looking bad is worse than the gain of making the best move.
Contact Information
Administration 580-442-1701
Knowledge Management 580-442-6378
Joint Intermediate Target Development (JITD) 580-442-9206
Target Material Production (TMP) 580-442-2215
Target Mensuration Only (TMO) 580-442-5839/1067
Weaponeering Certification 580-442-5839/1510
Collateral Damage Estimation (CDE) 580-442-5839/1510
Joint Operational Fire & Effects Course (JOFEC) 580-442-8552
Joint Fires Observer (JFO) 580-442-8615
Security Specialist 580-442-3394
FCoE Special Security Representative 580-442-2901